Chances of acceptance as a transfer?

I'm a sophomore at UW-Eau Claire. I sent in my transfer application about a month ago, but I keep doubting that I will be accepted.</p>

<p>College Stats:
3.35 GPA
(3.21 1st semester 15 credits, 3.18 2nd semester 16 credits, 3.65 3rd semester 18 credits, funny what a little motivation will do!)</p>

<p>High School Stats:
3.3 GPA
24 ACT Score</p>

<p>Any comments on if you guys believe I will get in??? Or any advice in general would be greatly accepted!</p>


<p>Honestly, it doesn't look too good. As a transfer, UW admissions will look mostly at your GPA which isn't very high. Were you involved in many activities at Eau Claire? They will be looking to admit students who take advantage of what their college has to offer.</p>

<p>If Madison will accept transfers with a 3.0 from community college, why wouldn't they take a 3.35 from Eau Claire? Good upward trend third semester, too. Good luck!</p>

<p>thanks for your input!
crixx: i was involved in an organization called SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise) as the secretary, where we do financial literacy, success skills, business ethics, etc. projects around the community. i was also in intramurals, but thats no big deal.</p>

<p>greenblue: are you talking about yourself with the 3.0?</p>

<p>OP, don't worry. Your application looks competitive. How many BC or below grades do you have on the transcript?</p>

<p>I have one B- and one C on the transcript from my freshman year. Will that hurt me a lot?</p>

<p>It could raise an eyebrow if those two courses are pre-reqs for your intended major.</p>

<p>I don't have any personal experience with transfers from community college, but this link looks helpful:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>The listed GPAs are rather minimal.
At the bottom it says
Special Note for UW System Transfer Students</p>

<p>The UW System undergraduate transfer policy states that priority for admission will be given to UW College transfers and other UW System transfers from institutions where a major is not available, subject to the limits of an institution's enrollment target. All UW System institutions have Guaranteed Transfer agreements with the UW Colleges. Students admitted under these agreements should follow the requirements of the agreement. The stipulations of these agreements are not included in this listing.</p>

<p>So if you have a new intended major not offered at Eau Claire, you have an advantage.</p>

<p>According to this information, you are in range.</p>

<p>I sure hope you're right! I'll take a look at the link later. Thanks for your guys' input. I just looked a bit earlier and they have just changed the online status to "reviewing" ... I hope it's good news!!!</p>