chances as a transfer student?

<p>hi, as i posted in another thread, i am considering transfering to UW-madison from the school i currently attend (western illinois university)
now let me start by saying i didnt do very good in high school GPA wise (2.98). ACT wise i did better with a 25...but still not very good.</p>

<p>in college, my first semester i took 16 hours and didnt do hot again, 2.812 (i pledged to a fraternity and didnt have my priorities straight). second semester i did considerably better with a 3.46, with harder classes. this semester im assuming i will get between 3.4-3.6 again, with 18 credit hours, so i am on an upward trend as i have realigned my priorities. </p>

<p>now i know schools are a little more lax on allowing transfer students entrance, as it doesnt affect the college's statistics, but do i still have any chance of getting in?</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>according to this, i am almost certain i would not get accepted as an incoming freshman (remember those statistics are the middle 50%, so im sure some have gotten accepted with similar grades than mine....but not many)</p>

<p>i guess im going to have to write a hell of an application letter.</p>

<p>Yes, you will maximize your odd by keep improving your GPA and apply after two years in college, i.e. as a junior.</p>