In state applicant for ED.
Gender/race: Female, caucasian
UW GPA: 3.78/4
W GPA: 5.92/6
Rank: top 6th percentile of 493 students in my class
ACT: 29 C (best scores: 31R, 31W, 29M, 27S)
SAT(new): 1250 (610 M, 630 CR)
APs: Human Geo, Psych, Biology, Calculus AB, Calculus BC
ECs: Member of NHS (10,11,12)
Member of Mu Alpha Theta (11,12)
Varsity Lacrosse (9,10,11,12 captain)
Volunteer for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Volunteer for Making Strides Breast Cancer Walk
Volunteer for Humane Society (foster parent for animals & weekly volunteer work) 200+ hours
Part time job, at least 25 hours a week, 5 days a week