Rollins Class of 2021 Accepted/Rejected/Deferred

Hi everyone!

I was recently accepted to Rollins as an Early Decision candidate! If you have heard back about the decision, post about yourself here for the class of 2021!

My stats:
In state applicant for ED.
Gender/race: Female, white
UW GPA: 3.8/4
W GPA: 6.0/6

Rank: 21/474

ACT: 30 C (best scores: 31R, 33W, 30M, 30S)

SAT(new): 1250 (610 M, 630 CR)

APs: Human Geo, Psych, Biology, Calculus BC

ECs: Member of NHS (10,11,12)
Member of Mu Alpha Theta (11,12)
Varsity Lacrosse (9,10,11,12 captain)
Volunteer for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Volunteer for Making Strides Breast Cancer Walk
Volunteer for Humane Society (foster parent for animals & weekly volunteer work) 200+ hours
Part time job, at least 25 hours a week, 5 days a week, since I was 14

Intended major: Biochemistry


Congrats! Great stats. :slight_smile: I was accepted today with the Alonzo Rollins Scholarship and am looking forward to visiting the school and learning more. Love the location and campus, but don’t know much beyond that. Probably still too expensive for me even with the scholarship and Bright Futures, though it is a contender. Waiting on a few other schools too (as in 16… I’m insane… and I’ve already heard good news from 2 schools + Rollins, so you can do the math).

In State, Regular Decision (quick turnaround as I applied on the last possible day!)
Gender/Race: Female, Hispanic
UW GPA: 3.3/4
W GPA: 4.67 (1 quality point for honors and Intro Dual Enrollment Courses, 2 for AP and 200-level+ Dual enrollment courses)
Rank: 59/630

ACT: 29 (34W, 29R, 27M, 25S, 28 Essay)

SAT (new): 1340 (690C, 650M, 21 Essay)

APs: I think it is 11 or 12 depending if you count AP Gov and AP Macro as 1 or 2 APs (Did all social sciences available, Chem, APES, and math through Calc AB)

Dual Enrollment: 4 classes

ECs: President of Future Educators of America Chapter, President of Literacy/Tutoring Club, Research Intern at a local university’s Child Development Lab, Church Junior Leader, Yearly Missions Trips, Babysitting and Tutoring. Certified pre-school teacher and currently have an internship at an elementary school. And NHS. I love kids and sort of stuck with that.

Intended Major: Hmmm… Love Dev Psych, education, economics. maybe any of those and perhaps on a pre-med track? Want to explore every option in college. Excited!