The cold hard truth is Fordham gets 42,000 applications a year. EA is their normal early application process: non-binding and historically they were a bit more selective then, so as to keep a predetermined number of seats open on the RD process. And its a housing issue mostly. If you are a commuter you might squeak in with lower score because they arent looking for dorm space for you. This year they added ED, binding, for the first time. I have no clue how that affects EA or RD matrix. Its a new game now.
The other cold hard fact is that your Reading and Math Scores (core SAT) matter more than the Writing scores, though at Fordham writing is important because you will write a lot of papers.
Being a minority helps. Applying from a catholic school they know also helps.
I have no clue how they view so called college credits from Fairleigh Dickinson or NYU. Or how that fits into the core requirements.
You dont want to be in the bottom half (50th percentile) of the avg applicant pool SAT score. Ideally you want to be in the upper quartile (75th percentile) or better. Class rank can matter…but that varies from school to school.
Fordham accepts somewhere between 42% and 48% of applicants. The avg SAT of admitted students and enrolled students is 1270 (it fluctuates a tad each year), and the avg. gpa is 3.5 unweighted.
When applying to colleges its important to have a strategy, well reasoned and including what you can afford. Do NOT expect a school to blow trumpets and give you free money. In that matrix you should have a strategy for EA/ED applications, and a PLAN B for RD if you are deferred. DO NOT GIVE PLAN B a short shrift. Its likely you may end up in the RD pool. It happened to us. WIth stellar scores and gpa and 9 APs.
Always spread out your “risk.” Apply to perhaps 2 reach schools (reach for YOU, not the rest of the world, based on your SAT score.) 4-5 match schools, that are reasonably likely to accept you…can be high match and low match. And then 2 slam dunk safety schools. Safety schools are NOT dumps or schools for losers or any other negative label. Got it? NOT. They are safeties to YOU, because of your SAT score. It has nothing to do with the quality of education or opportunities upon graduation. Fordham is a safety school to kids applying to Notre Dame or Ivy Schools or Georgetown. Those kids ALL have SAT scores north of 1400…many with scores higher than 1500. In my kids freshmen year dorm (Queens Court) there were at least 3 kids down the hall she knew for certain had 1600 SAT scores, and selected Fordham because of scholarship money. Fordham gets a LOT of very very bright students who ENROLL. Its a shock for many kids…who were top 10% or top 5% at their high schools and had very high SATs and go to college to find out there are a bazillion other kids with higher scores and smarter than they are. Part of the growing up process. (Hint: beat them with hard work…like my kid did!
I have no clue when Fordham will announce acceptances. Historically they leaked out likely letters a week or more early, and then dumped the motherload in the snail mail. Then came email notices (Fordham was late to that development in admissions processes). And that was done historically the week before Christmas…and people had to scramble to gather up their applications for the RD process, dry their tears and move on. Now, I understand its rolling admissions…but I dont know if that is everyone, for every applicant pool (EA/ED/RD) or a select few. Dont panic. Have a strategy. Be stoic. Be grateful. Be patient. Be focused. And MAKE CERTAIN YOUR SENIOR GRADES ARE GOOD, in case you are deferred because those grades will be requested and they can decide if you are in or out.
Good luck to you all. Come to Fordham prepared to WORK hard.