Chances of getting into Loyola Marymount

<p>I am currently attending a community college this is my first semester(not counting summer) and I will already have 25 units done. I was considering applying for Fall 2014 so since i don't have over 30 credits by the time I apply they will take my highschool gpa into consideration. By the end of the year I should have 53 units in total because I plan on taking 19 units in the spring like I did in the fall and 9 units in the summer. My highschool gpa was a 3.7 and I got a 1680 on my SAT. My college gpa after this semester should be either a 3.8-3.95.</p>

<p>Also if you could say my chances for pepperdine as well that would be awesome:)</p>

<p>You stand a chance at both LMU and Pepperdineā€¦</p>