Chances of getting into the Hill School/other schools I should apply to

<p>I am 13, a girl, caucasian (dont know if this matters), and in 8th grade looking to apply for The Hill for ninth grade. </p>

<p>In sixth grade, I got all A's as far as I can remember. In seventh grade I got all A's in the first and second marking periods, but in the third my grades dropped due to some personal issues. I had a few B's and one C (the C was because a teacher lost my test and it was too late to correct my grade). In the fourth marking period, I had all A's and a B+ in math. This year, I have all A's so far, but obviously that could change. </p>

<p>I have also been in the gifted program since second grade and advanced math since it startred in fourth grade. I went to a summer camp for gifted students for about four summers in a row. Also I am in geometry now, and in all of the other schools I've looked at, I was two years ahead in math but I don't know if that is the case for the hill. My teacher recs should be pretty good, as most of my teachers like me.</p>

<p>My extracurriculars are:
Varsity tennis (two years)
JV Track (I was asked to do varsity, but I didn't have time)
French Club
Ski Club (I also ski and snowboard outside of school and I got a good medal in a NASTAR race)
Select Chorus
I volunteer at an animal shelter in the summer
Photography (I have won multiple awards, including one against professional photographers)
I have been playing softball outside of school for five years
I think there are more but I can't think of them at the moment</p>

<p>I know my ec's are weak, but its because my school doesn't offer very many. Of the ones they do offer, you can only do a few because they overlap so much.</p>

<p>I am an avid reader, and have been reading a lot of classics lately. I am big on health, so I try to eat only local organic foods and I go to the gym almost every day. I also run long distance and have placed high in a lot of runs. I travel a lot, and recently I went to Zambia (in Africa). I saw a lot of poverty there, so I started a fundraiser with my grandma to help them. So far we have collected about $5k. I do a lot of cultural things around Philadelphia and New York (museums, art, festivals, etc..). I also do some other sports outside of school like surfing, rock climbing, and biking. I am also really interested in artsy things like fashion, makeup, interior design, music, and architecture. As of now, I want to major in business analytics, but I'm sure that will change :)</p>

<p>I took a practice SSAT and scored about a 90% in math, a 95% in reading comprehension, and an 82% in vocab. I know the vocab and math aren't great, and I'm studying really hard to try to improve them. </p>

<p>I also have a few questions:
Should I include why I had bad grades in the third marking period of seventh grade and how my teacher lost my test?
What are some other ec's I can do outside of school to help my application?
Are there any other good private boarding or day schools around Philadelphia area?
What of these things should I include in my application?
What math class do most freshmen take at the hill?
What are my chances of getting into the hill? Please be honest!</p>

<p>Thank you! :)</p>

<p>Oh and I’m not applying for financial aid.</p>

<p>Well, I’ll give you some advice seeing as we have a lot of experience in this household. Your application looks strong to me and I think you have much better than a 50/50 chance, much better. That said, if The Hill is the only boarding school that you are applying to (and there are others also nearby too, right, like George, L’ville, Peddie, Hun, Blair, etc.), do you have a satisfactory back-up plan if you do not get in? Day school or PS options should be okay, otherwise you do need to apply to another boarding school (or more). Give up the point about the teacher losing the test; the personal issues need to be clear and important for you to consider bringing them up to explain poor grades – like, parental divorce, medical treatment for this or that, death of close relative, etc. You have a fine list of ECs. More important than any list, though, is that you show your growth as a person through these activities, by how you speak (or write) and your further actions. Try to relax, you have done well. The Hill should recognize these qualifications as strong, but be aware that hardly any applicant has a “lock” on an admission letter and have a plan B.</p>

<p>I think you look like a good candidate for Hill. The only caveat is they accept about 33% of their applicants, so no one is a shoo-in. Would you be applying for boarding or day status?</p>

<p>As far as other private schools in the Philadelphia area, there are SO MANY! What area do you live in? In the main line there is Shipley, Episcopal, Baldwin, Agnes Irwin, and Villa. IN MOntgomery county there is Abington Friends, Gwynned Mercy. The Westtown school is a boarding school in Chester County.</p>

<p>As far as explaining the grade, I would think perhaps that is something you can do in the interview, or more likely something your guidance counselor can note on his/her records for you.</p>

<p>You should apply to Lawrenceville also!</p>

<p>Thank you everyone! I’ll be applying to a few other day schools and I want to find a few more boarding schools to apply to just so I can increase my chances of getting into one of them. I was thinking about lawrenceville since it’s so close by but I don’t know what chance I would have of getting in. It can’t hurt though :slight_smile: anybody have any other suggestions about schools on the east coast I should apply to that I would have I chance of acceptance at? Thanks again for everyone’s help :)</p>

<p>One more thought. You are a good candidate – you have a shot at ANY school. But be aware, too , that geographical diversity is a factor for the admissions offices. Hill and L’ville may be easier to apply to as a day student than a “local” boarder; L’ville, especially, wants its boarders to represent all those other states and nations. From PA or NJ, you may be appealing to BS outside of the mid-Atlantic, especially. The admit rates of 12-26% are daunting, however, and why applying to a handful of the “elite” is necessary, as well as considering the non-elite “gems” (with better admit rates). I am a big advocate for the smaller schools such as Groton, St. Andrew’s, Middlesex right on through St. George’s and Blair, etc. Study the stats on and do your own research – suggestions from us will only take you so far and you need to devote time to this. Again, good luck – it’s a long haul!</p>

<p>Also, what is a hook and what would mine be?</p>

<li><p>A hook is something that makes you more desirable to a school. For Hill or Lville, living in say Wyoming would be a hook. Sometimes being an under represented minority is a hook or being a legacy. </p></li>
<li><p>Math at Hill- kids can take algebra 1, geometry or algebra 11 their first year. Then progress from there. What math are you in now?</p></li>

<p>Thanks :slight_smile: I’m in geometry now and I’ll be taking algebra II next year</p>

<p>I’m also applying for the hill and a couple other. My parents have many connections at hill, but im still afraid i won’t make it. I am taking the SSATs in December(are they hard?) and i have about the same grades and ec as you. Maybe a little less ec because the ones i do are everyday for 3 hours. Idk what im asking, but could you give me any advice.</p>

Well, obviously I can’t chance you since I’m applying to but if you have connections along with good grades and some ec’s, I’m sure you’ll have no problem getting in. As for the SSAT’s, I’d study a bit before you take the test unless you know you’re very strong in those areas.</p>

<p>I have a son who is a junior at The Hill School. He loves it and is now a far more confident and mature kid. If I can help with any questions, please feel free to PM me.</p>

<p>Pascale, I second what has been said above. You seem like a strong candidate, but I would never recommend a student apply to only one school. Many take the common application and it is little to no extra work to apply to more than one these days, of those that do.</p>

<p>We currently have a child at Blair, which was mentioned above. It is a superb school and DC is extremely pleased to be there. It is not far from Philadelphia. I have posted elsewhere about Blair, feel free to read what I have written and let me know if I can answer questions. Good luck to you!</p>

<p>St. Andrew’s in Delaware may be worth a look.
OP: You need an actual SSAT score before finalizing your list.</p>

<p>Goodness. Excellent candidates like you make me worried. T___T</p>