Chances of getting into top boarding schools?

<p>I am currently studying in grade 9 (almost finished) and plan to go to boarding school in Canada - St Andrews (top boarding school in Canada) after I finish grade 10. I study in IB programme, Myp. My grade 8 grades are horrible but it's like a different story with my grade 9. For grade 8 I got myp 35 / 56, robotics for extracurriculars. But for grade 9, I got 41 for term 1 and 48 for term 2 but no extracurricular. I saw some posts and on some universities sites that ib myp 7 = A+
6 = A, 5 = B, 4 = C, and 3 = D, 2 & 1 = F so if I convert my grades I have 3 7(A+)s, 3 6(A)s, 2 5(B)s I have 50 hours of Community service hours in total right now, because it is mandatory in school. I have some certs in primary for swimming but not in secondary. However, if I do alot of extracurriculars in grade 10, as the school look at my interim reports, they will see my extracurriculars. What are my chances of getting into St Andrews or any top boarding school in Canada</p>

<p>Plus. in my school, im top 10. So what are my chances....
50 community Service hours ( mandatory in school )
robotics team for grade 8 - none for grade 9
swimming certificates from grade 3</p>

<p>anyone have any ideas or comments?</p>

<p>Your grades are pretty good! If you’re looking at the TOP boarding schools, chances are that they’ll be checking out your grades from grade 8 and even before.</p>