Chances of Taking December SAT as Standby

<p>I did ok on the Nov SAT but I could see a little room for improvement (keep in mind I’m home schooled so I have 24/7 to practice)</p>

<p>So anyway, I was thinking, what are the chances of actually getting the opportunity to take the SAT as standby?...</p>

<p>All I know is that u show up 15-30 minutes before 8 am with your checkbook and just kinda hope</p>

<p>is it like a 10-15% chance or more like 70-80%....i have no me out!!!! thanks</p>


<p>me too. i'm gonna go standby. Anyone?</p>

<p>99-100% in most cases</p>

<p>Few! What A Relief!</p>

<p>sweet...ok time for me to study....see u guys later</p>

<p>Be sure that you have the official registration form completed along with the payment info. They say to 'pick up a registration form in the guidance office' - so you will probably have to send for one, cookie_monster. Good luck on your retake!</p>

<p>To take the test standby, go to a large school to take the test. Larger schools have more extra test booklets than smaller schools. Do remember to have the paper registration filled out when you arrive. Some schools have the forms there, but don't count on that. This registration form is not available online, so go by your local high school and pick one up.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>If you want to make sure that you will get a booklet try contacting the SAT administrator for the school and ask him/her if she can hold a spot for you. </p>

<p>Or just sleep there overnight so you are first in line. ;)</p>