I am a freshman otherwise known as a plebe at West Point. I currently have a 4.17 Academic GPA and my cumulative GPA including military and physical grades puts me in the top 5% of my class. My academic GPA is roughly in the top 10 out of 1000 cadets. I am a part of the honors program at my school for students in the top 5% of their class. I was class president sophomore, junior, and senior year in high school, an eagle scout w/ silver palm, and a diversity leader in high school. 2330 SAT, 35 ACT, and AP scholar with Distinction.
Though I had my plans set on attending West Point ever since sophomore year, I’ve done a lot of reflection and have begun to feel that the environment at West Point is really not for me. The school and academics are great, but I do not fit in with the rest of the student body. After visiting Harvard and Stanford and seen their ROTC programs, I feel as though I could still pursue a military career while living in an environment that is more ‘academic’ per say and more fitting for my type of student. Additionally, there have been some other issues involving sexual harassment/assault this year that I do not feel comfortable disclosing but have also influenced my decision to leave.
I understand that both Harvard and Stanford are extremely competitive to transfer into with acceptance rates ranging from 1-2% each year, but I wanted to hear from others what my chances are given some basic information about myself.
Obviously, you would have been a strong candidate for either of those schools from the get go. As I understand it, transferring from a military academy is not easy and carries a heavy financial burden. You need to talk to a counselor at USMA soon. You can PM me (Marine brat/California attorney/old enough to be your grandfather) if it would help to talk through this with someone else.
Thanks for the prompt response Sir. When I was a high school senior, I had a 4 year Army ROTC scholarship to Harvard, Stanford or Brown, but I was waitlisted at Harvard (the school I had chosen to use my ROTC scholarship). I also had a Type I (4-year) Air Force ROTC Scholarship to any school with an AF ROTC program. I applied to USNA, USAFA, USCGA, and USMA and had been accepted to all four with Letter of Assurances/early notice of acceptance for all four.
I do plan on talking to a counselor soon as the applications for these two schools are due by March 1. The out-processing procedure at West Point is also extremely long and complicated, but I was planning on beginning that process once I find out the decisions for the transfer applications sometime in May.
I have nothing helpful to add, but you sound like an amazing individual and I wish you much luck. Please keep us posted.
@westpoint19 : Best of luck. You are obviously a talented young person with a solid head on your shoulders. The military is not for everyone. The Colonel [my father] understood that. My offer stands. No expiration date.
You would be a stronger applicant now than when you were a senior in high school given a good first semester at USMA. I graduated from USMA in the early 1980s and a fair number of my classmates did transfer to selective colleges. You have no military obligation until you attend your first class of your junior year. The problem with trying to transfer to Stanford or Harvard is that a very, very high percentage of students return for Sophomore year and complete these colleges in 4 years. Transfer spots become available as attrition takes place which is why the transfer admit rate is so low. I can say that none of my former classmates that left USMA of their own free will that I am aware of subsequently took part in an ROTC program. Being a plebe at West Point is extremely difficult and many, many cadets give serious consideration to leaving at one point or another. If you are thinking of a career in the military you might want to consider staying at least until you’ve completed plebe year. Despite whatever harassment issues your facing now there is no better school for leadership anywhere