<p>just curious. does anyone know the chances of transferring as a lower-division transfer to UCI as an Asian American Studies major?</p>
<p>depends on your high school transcript and your current grades from whatever college you are attending.</p>
<p>well, this semester i got a 3.2; uc gpa would be about 3.325. the difference isn’t significant. i’m working harder to bring it up and doing some ECs this spring semester.</p>
<p>does UCI look at high school transcripts for transferring? i thought it was just college stuff. in that case, my high school gpa was pretty good (4.04).</p>
<p>does that make a difference?</p>
<p>If you are applying as lower division, then yeah, they do look at your high school transcripts. They’re actually very significant. Because lot of times, the ones who apply as lower division, are the ones from high school who were missing one requirement like let’s say a math class to complete the a-g requirements. So they finish that requirement at a college and then transfer. </p>
<p>Anyways, a 3.3 is pretty good, but UCI will look at what you took in high school. The only time they don’t is when you have over 60 units, indicating that you are at junior standing.</p>
<p>I am applying as a lower-div transfer and was NOT asked to list my high school classes / GPA nor send in transcripts. so, actually, it depends on SAT / ACT scores (which you must send in) and your college GPA / classes. weird, huh?</p>
<p>would i need to resend my SAT scores again if i already sent it to them my senior year of high school? i think it should still be on record, right?</p>
<p>okay, i’m confused now. i just logged onto MyAdmissionsApplication@UCI, and it says under MyTests that SAT/ACT scores are not required.</p>
<p>well, I applied to UC Davis, but on my general UC APP website from “ucinfo” there is a page for SAT / ACT scores, and if you have a question mark or asterisk AND are a freshman applicant or lower-div applicant, then you must either send them in by the end of Jan or self report them by mailing or emailing your scores by the end of Jan. It is pretty self explanatory on the site.</p>
<p>and in response to your first question, yes, you must resend them in even if you applied as a senior in HS</p>
<p>okay, thanks!</p>