Chances of Umass Amherst??

<p>Hey guys!!</p>

<p>I will be a senior next year and applying to colleges! I am looking to become a neo-natal nurse so I would be majoring in nursing. I currently live in Massachusetts and because in-state campuses are cheaper, Umass Amherst has been a school that I have been really looking into and have fallen in love with.
I am wondering what my chances of getting into it would be?
Gpa-3.5 weighted
Admission tests-Sat's highest:1660; 500 math, 580 reading, 580 writing, 8 essay
EC's: Cross country(3 yrs.) Tennis(3yrs; varsity for two), peer leaders(4 years, officer for two), Pro musica(4 yrs), newspaper club(1 yr. head news writer), student government(freshman class officer, sophomore class officer, junior class advisor, student body president senior year), school council student rep(2 yrs), freshman academy student advisor(1 yr), drama club(4 years, vocal captain of musicals 2 yrs),
I've also been on numerous committees in the school and have done 40+ hours of community service which includes soup kitchens and teaching CCD for two years.
Freshman year I took all honors classes and as a result, did my worst that year bringing my GPA down. Sophomore year I took all college courses, junior year one honors class (honors environmental science) and next year I will be taking AP english, AP psychology and honors calculus.
I am ranked 85 out of 245. I am mostly concerned about my GPA and SAT scores.
Please be honest as to what you think, I need all the feedback I can get. Thank you!</p>

<p>Bump ^^^^^</p>