<p>White male from Northern New Jersey
Decent High School</p>
<p>Rank: 3/190
WGPA: 4.15
GPA: 3.85</p>
<p>SAT: M:730 CR:710 W:620 1440/2060
SAT II: US History:790 Math IIC:780</p>
<p>Hardest Curriculum Possible All Four Years
Senior Schedule:
AP Spanish
AP English
AP US History
Honors Physics
Honors Business Elective
Other Elective</p>
<p>Also, I am taking an Independent Study in Mathematics. I will do both the AP Calculus BC and AP Statistics curriculum with Linear Algebra at the end. I took AP Calculus AB my junior year, and my school doesnt have any class to offer me now.</p>
<p>AP Calculus AB: 5</p>
<p>EC (These are just the ones I put on the app., more are on my resume)
1. President and Founder of Local Swim Team
2. Yearbook (Academics Editor and Editor-in-Chief)
3. DECA (A State Finalist Twice)
4. Performed in the Dramas and Musicals (did program design)
5. Community Service Thing
6. Varsity Swimming (not recruited)
(other typically expected ECs I attached on my resume)</p>
<p>No major awards just the typical stuff</p>
1. Interned with the Township Manager in my town for two summers
2. Swim Coach
3. Lifeguard
4. Busboy</p>
Other topics essay: Talked about not getting into Governor's School and how that led me to coach the swim team (more about swim coaching then anything else) Good
Other essays are pretty good, but who knows really because its so subjective</p>
<p>Recomendations: 1. Great - wrote me a rec. for Gov. School and it was really good
2. Pretty Good
3. Supplemental Rec is from my Boss during the internship, it was very good</p>
<p>Thanks for you help/advice/thoughts</p>