<p>I have a 5.4363 W and a 3.4363 UW gpa.
I recieved a 27 ACT (retaking), and a 610 CR, 530 M, 570 W SAT (retaking).
I have taken 5 AP classes and am enrolled in my schools dual enrollment program and currently taking 2 classes this semester and 3 next semester. I have taken 3 already.
All the rest of my classes are honors.
I am currently number 28 out of 486 people in my graduating class.
I am a member of NHS, mu alpha theta (math honor society), AVID club, environmental club, blue krewe (spirit club) and freshman steering.
I took spanish for 3 years as well.
I have played golf all four years of H.S. and won most improved player sophomore year.</p>
<p>I am applying to NYU ED 1. I plan on attending film school and wanted to know what you guys thought with my chances on these schools. Any advise would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!</p>
<p>Film school we cannot chance at all. It depends heavily on your portfolio.</p>
<p>Hey Thanks for being the only person to post on my thread haha… Film… that would be tisch right? I think you have a fair shot… maybe try to get your SAT up a little more (I’m in same situation… tryna get mine up as well) I may be wrong but I think if you have a strong competitive portfolio and your SAT is a little higher… like maybe 50-100 more points you would in a good position… cuz I think Tisch cares a little more about your portfolio then academic numbers such as SAT score… but again, try to raise it a little more to be safe. your SAT as of right now is better then mine… you have a 1710… I have a 1670
I wanna apply to either CAS or Gallatin so I’m trying to aim for at least 1800 or 1850 which I know is still low for those schools haha but I dont think I would be able to do much better… but I think for tisch if you get to like 1800-1850 you will be ok. But make sure your portfolio is AMAZING! Good Luck!</p>
<p>thank you for responding to my thread as well. I am always happy to help a fellow prospective student. lol. that would be tisch. I am retaking the SAT’s and the ACT’s in October so hopefully I will do good enough becuase I am applying ED so I want to know ASAP what my scores are. I am currently working on the portfolio and am writing about topics that are near and dear to my heart so hopefully that shows through my portfolio. Raising your SAT’s will be good for your chances as well. Good luck with your application!! Let me know if you get accepted!! :)</p>
<p>I will! Let me know as well if you are! Good Luck!</p>