Chances Please?

<p>Madison is my number one choice and I am really nervous because I haven't been accepted yet.
GPA: 3.86 (UW)
ACT: 32
Triple Legacy ( grandpa and both parents)
3 AP's: Biology, Calc, English Lit.
Senior Schedule: AP Bio, Band, Choir, Chemistry 2, Anatomy and Physiology, Writing, AP English Lit, AP Calculus, Spanish 2
Class Rank: 18 of 49
EC's: Dance, LEAD (service organization), play, musical, National Honor Society, Cross Country, Marching Band, Pep Band, Concert Band, Concert Choir, Wisconsin Junior Hereford Association (cattle)
Leadership: Wisconsin Jr. Hereford Association Board Director, 2011; Membership Secretary, 2012-2013; Secretary, 2014 Ambassador, 2011; Princess 2012-2014;</p>

<p>also three of my cousins went there, the youngest is graduating now</p>

<p>If I was you, I would not worry!</p>

<p>@Madison85 Thank you so much. Hearing that makes me feel better</p>