What are my chances?

<p>I am currently a Senior that is in-state. My Dad and Uncle went to Madison in the 80's. My sister is currently a Sophomore at Madison. </p>

<p>ACT: 24 / Writing: 9 (I know this is low for Madison)
GPA 3.52</p>

<p>Extra Curricular:</p>

<p>-Drama Director (Directed 2 middle school performances last year)
-Mathematics Tutor (Have tutored Algebra/Geometry Students for the past 3 years)
-In 3 Choirs (1 at school / 2 before and after school) (help teach the choirs)
-Piano Player</p>

<p>-Vice President of DECA and Entrepreneurship Course at my school (Hold meetings with Vice Presidents of PNC and US Bank weekly)</p>

<p>-Been in 3 Musicals and 2 Plays</p>

<p>-JV Golf (Freshman and Sophomore Year)</p>

<p>-Altar Server for 4 years; Lector at Church for 2 years; Sunday School Teacher for 3 years</p>


<p>-Outstanding Musical Award
-Top 40 Students in the District (Staff voted for best students for work ethic, volunteer work, leadership, and ability to help train new staff at the high schools)</p>


<p>-Equestrian Riding (Train Horses, Give Lessons, Perform Competitive Barrel Racing)</p>

<p>Work Experience:
-Target (August 2013 - August 2014)
-Our Space Inc. (Bookkeeper) (June 2011 - Present)</p>

<p>Taken 2 AP's and many Honors Courses so far (English and Science) (passed both AP's)</p>

<p>Feedback is very much appreciated! Thank you!</p>

<p>What was your math ACT score?</p>

<p>Have you taken the ACT more than once?</p>

<p>Is your GPA unweighted?</p>

<p>Does your school offer any AP or honors classes?</p>

<p>What is your class rank?</p>

<p>My Math ACT was a 27.</p>

<p>I have taken the ACT a couple times but all of the scores came out as 24.</p>

<p>My school has some AP’s and a good amount of honors courses. </p>

<p>My class rank was in the top 25%</p>

<p>I also got a 4.1 GPA this first quarter</p>

<p>What is your unweighted GPA and list the honors and AP classes taken or currently taking.</p>

<p>AP Environmental
AP Politics and Government</p>

<p>Honors Biology, Honors Chemistry, Honors English 10, Honors English 11, Honors English 12</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA: 3.41</p>

<p>Weighted GPA: 3.52</p>

<p>So you have 2 AP classes and several honors classes, 24 ACT and 3.41 GPA. You may be postponed, and then not find out if admit or deny until March 31. Apply to alternatives like LaCrosse, Whitewater, Milwaukee.</p>

<p>Thank you! I also got accepted to The University of Alabama, The University of Tennessee, and The University of Kentucky so far. I got a direct admit to Alabama and Tennessee’s Business schools too so those could be nice alternatives too!</p>


I got postponed for Madison. I just submitted my grades for first semester. First Quarter: 4.067
Second Quarter: 4.167

What are my chances now?

I am also taking the ACT one more time to see if I can up my score.