<p>my soph/junior year UW GPA will be 3.78, with first half of sr year, it would be 3.83~</p>
<p>I did bad freshmen year so I have a HUGE upward trend.</p>
<p>soph - 3.58
jr - 4.0</p>
<p>and around a 4.3333333 weighted.</p>
<p>my ECs will include,</p>
<p>pres/founder - ballroom dancing club
treasurer - art club
editor in chief - school newspaper (12th)
vice president - young democrats
planning to be active in next FL government election
will have around 100+hours volunteering at hospital
and around the same serving as an attorney for teen court
NHS hopefully, Golden Fleece</p>
<p>assuming i do quite well on SATs and have a great essay (I am generally quite a good writer), what are my chances of getting in</p>