<p>Bio SAT 2- 800
Chem SAT 2- 700
Math 1 SAT 2- 750
Calc AB
US gov
2 College level classes </p>
<p>Average- 99.70
All at least honors classes
Science Research Awards up the wazoo- seriously like a page and half on my resume
did marching band and concert band
Varsity track
JV Lax
LIke 6 other clubs
2 leaderhsip positions in clubs</p>
<p>This looks very similar to where I’m at. I think you have an ok shot at getting in if you have solid recs and a excellent essay. Especially since your SAT IIs are solid. I think it would pretty much depend on what unique qualities you have that would make the admissions officers want to pick you over hundreds of other people with a similar resume.</p>
<p>your ACT is good… SAT I is fine since you’re ACT is high… II’s are good
overall stats are good… if you can make yourself stand out, then i think you have a decent shot</p>
<p>My son tried for track recruitment (applying this year) but nothing came thru. If you are doing varsity track, check to see how your times measure up to the published stats. I could be wrong but I think a recruitment letter must carry quite a bit of weight with the adcoms.</p>
<p>Yes, support from a track coach would give him/her the boost needed in the EC area. I don’t see any state or regional track honors to indicate a Division I level though.</p>
<p>There is a set limit on the amount of recruitments that occur (I know that the letter which coaches submit has a particular limit). </p>
<p>You probably shouldn’t include every single award for science that you got, only the important ones. Including smaller and less important awards could underscore your significant achievements.</p>