Chances Please??????

<p>I’m a white junior at a pretty competitive (top 100-200 schools in the nation) public high school in Michigan.
GPA: 3.932U (school doesn’t weight grades)
Rank: 18/360 Top 5%
AP’s: Calculus BC, U.S. Government, Statistics (senior year), Spanish (senior year), U.S. History (senior year). Also have several other honors classes.
ACT: 31 (retaking in March and possibly in June)
Freshman Year: Travel/Club Hockey (20-25 hours a week), JV baseball
Sophomore year: JV Hockey, JV Baseball
Junior Year: JV Cross-Country, Varsity Baseball, National Honor Society, and Youth-in-Government.
Senior Year (tentative): Varsity Cross-Country, Varsity Baseball, NHS-Leadership Position, Youth-in-Government.
Summer job this year.
I don’t know what I would like to major in quite yet. I am thinking along the lines of Political Science or Business.</p>

<p>Sorry. I forgot to ask if Vanderbilt requires the SAT and/or SAT II tests??</p>

<p>No, they don’t require the SAT if you send in an ACT score. And they don’t require SAT II either, but if you do well on them, then you better send those rad scores in. :]</p>

<p>As for chances, when April 1st comes, we’ll have a thread saying the results and the corresponding scores, so that will give you a better picture of your chances than if we said anything right now.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info.</p>

<p>I would strongly suggest not taking the ACT three times. I would also suggest only taking it again if you are confident you can break a 33 or better. Otherwise, it won’t help you in anyway. Best of luck.</p>

<p>The beauty of the ACT is that if you don’t list your high school on the registration, your scores will only come to your home and you can provide them to colleges (and in my D’s case her high school as well to boost their “report card” performance in our state) when you so desire. D took the ACT five times - once in 10th grade to qualify for a summer program, 3 times in junior year, and once early in senior year to get a “safer” score for her ED application to Vandy. She had numerous friends at her high school who took it for anywhere from 4-6 times. Several of them ended up at top ranked schools. Others were attending in state schools, but were looking to improve their state sponsored scholarships which are based on grades and ACT.</p>

<p>yeah, i would recommend taking the ACT a couple more times. I took it 4 times myself; my third attempt i got a 31 and i felt pretty satisfied. My dad forced me to take it a 4th time, and i didn’t feel like i tried that hard and i ended up getting a 33. So you never know.</p>