chances, please?

<p>i live in Northern VA, gpa weighted is 4.25, unweighted 3.93, IB Diploma candidate, extracurriculars are horseback riding and theatre, as well as NHS, NEHS, International Thespian Society, and Spanish Honor Society. My PSATs were a 218, 99th%. </p>

<p>edit: I guess I should also add that I'm a white female, upper-middle class. Neither of my parents finished college, though.</p>

<p>My top choices would be to study in Canada or the UK.</p>

<p>However, in the US- my reaches are Berkeley and Brown.
others are USC, Tulane, and Reed.
safety schools are Auburn and James Madison.</p>


<p>UCB - 40%
Brown - 50%
USC - 60%
Tulane - 80%
Reed - ?
Auburn - 99%
JMU - 99%</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>thanks! thats actually better than I thought it would be.</p>

<p>curious… are you applying to Oxford/Cambridge?</p>

<p>No, I don’t think I will. I honestly think I would feel like an idiot at either of those universities, because even with the IB Diploma, there is no way my education is at the same level as the kids in the UK who are getting into Oxford and Cambridge. I’ve been looking at other schools, like the University of Edinburgh.</p>

<p>I’ll tell you now that you’re a shoe-in for Edinburgh (and St. Andrew’s for that matter). If you’re not up for Oxbridge… have you looked into UCL or Imperial? Btw you’re also in at Toronto, UBC, and McGill IMO.</p>

<p>Oh wow thank you! That’s actually very comforting. UBC and McGill are two I’ve been researching, as well as Imperial. I’ll look into the others :)</p>

<p>No problem. And by the way, from personal experience, make sure you demonstrate extreme interest in the subject for which you are applying. British schools do not care a spot about any extracurriculars whatsoever that are not pertinent to your UCAS application subject. For example, if you intend to study history, submit papers to a history journal, read on the subject outside of school, or compete in a history competition. Just make sure you have something to expatiate on in your personal statement.</p>

<p>To digress, my brother currently attends McGill and absolutely loves it. (Although, he did tell me he didn’t go out at all this past weekend because it was too cold.) He was top 11% at a public, competitive high school, had decent extracurriculars, and a 2180 SAT - so very similar to you. </p>

<p>Best of luck!</p>