chances RD

<p>White male from Vermont (geographic plus???)</p>

<p>2300 SAT (740V, 780M, 780W)
34 ACT (34,34,34,34,) writing = 33(with 10 essay)
SAT2 Math1 = 730
SAT2 Lit = 580 (I'll retake, probably somewhere in high 600's)</p>

<p>Less than stellar GPA ~ 89/100 (abouit a 3.5 UW), but MAJOR upward trend
Hardest classes of anyone ever at my HS (GC noted this)</p>

<p>5 on only AP offered (enviro)</p>

<p>classes this year:
AP English
AP Microeconomics
AP Macroeconomics
AP Physics
AP Stats
AP Latin
French V
Greek </p>

<p>Ranked 6/53</p>

<p>captain of two varsity sports (hockey & tennis)
sadd president
yearbook editor in chief
head of leadership
...lots of other stuff too</p>

<p>worked 16 hours a week all through high school</p>

<p>essays: unique (about something only I have done)
recs: damn good</p>


<p>What's your first choice school?</p>

<p>These sound like great stats to me :)</p>