
<p>Granted I have like NO ECs.</p>

<p>I am a second-generation immigrant Filipino middle class male. I'm currently undecided on a major.</p>

GPA including freshman year: 3.92 UW / 4.2 Weighted
Rank: ~10/250
APs: 4 Euro History, 5 Calc AB, 5 US History, 4 English Lang., 5 Bio
Currently enrolled in: AP Government, AP Calc BC, AP Econ, AP English Lit., AP Physics C</p>

<p>SAT 1:
-700 CR
-700 Math
-680 Writing</p>

<p>SAT 2:
-770 Math 2
-740 Bio
-700 US History</p>

<p>ACT: 35 Composite, 31 Combined English/Writing (8 on Writing)</p>

AP Scholar with Distinction
Schubmehl-Prein Prize for Best Essay on Social Impact of Computing (2006)
Honor Roll (9-11 so far)
National Merit Commended
Other minor school awards</p>

All I really have going for me are clubs soo... (And do these even count?)
Bowling Club (9-11)
Photo Club (9)
Physics Club (12)
Ping Pong Club (11-12)
Spanish Club (10)</p>

<p>Volunteer Experience:
100+ hours altar serving at a local parish
70+ hours at a local hospital
60+ hours at a library
20+ hours doing miscellaneous jobs</p>

Claremont McKenna
Cal Poly Pomona (just for a sure safety)</p>

<p>And if you have any other recommendations with these stats please mention them. I'm also looking for ones with good financial aid as well for me (Need and Merit). Thanks.</p>

<p>Claremont McKenna--Match to Slight Reach
Swarthmore--Match (but ECs hurt here and at Northwestern)
Rice--Match to Slight Reach
Northwestern--Match to Slight Reach
UCB--Match to Slight Reach
UCSD--Safe Match
Cal Poly Pomona (just for a sure safety)--Absolutely, positive safety</p>

<p>You should also apply to Cal Poly SLO--they don't worry much about ECs--and you're a Safe Match there. Your best financial aid will come from Rice if you get in there.</p>

<p>Cool, thanks! I was thinking about applying to SLO but I heard that you have to declare a major when applying and that changing majors isn't guaranteed.</p>


<p>Any other opinions?</p>

<p>Bump again.</p>

<p>Bump. >_></p>


<p>Assuming you are a California resident,
UCB/UCLA: Slight Reach
UCSD: Match</p>