
<p>White/African american Male
Small, ultra competitive public school(graduating class of 71)
GPA : 3.5/3unweighted</p>

-Junior Statesman of America(10-12)
-Quaker Gathering(monthly) (9-12)
-Model UN (10-12)
-Cycling Team(9-12)
-Service Club(12)(founding member)
-Student Council(12)
-Book Club(12)(founding member)
-Puzzle Club(12(founding member)
-International Club(11-12)(founding member)
-Worldquest(11-12)(only open to juniors/seniors)
-I'm sure I'm missing a couple</p>

-Vice President, JSA
-Vice President, Student Council
-Captain(Varsity), cycling team
-Captain(Varsity), crosscountry
-Head Delegate, model UN
-Leader, South Central Quaker teens</p>

-Following hurricanes Katrina and Rita, I organized a local charity benefit concert that raised 2800 dollars for evacuees
-With a friend, a run a small local business which custom builds computers for locals. Current profits are about 1500dollars, total revenue is about 10,000.</p>

<p>APs taken/planning on taking
Psychology(4)(learned on my own)
US History(5)
World History(4)
Euro History(4)
Physics(4)(learned on my own)
English composition(4)
Taking senior year:
Macroeconomics(learning on my own)
US Government
Comparative Government(learning on my own)
English 4
Environmental Science
800 Verbal
720 Math
780 Writing</p>

<p>Basically, I'm wondering if my extracurriculars+essay+SAT can outweigh my low classrank and gpa.</p>

<p>2310 SAT, with a 730 in math, sorry.</p>

<p>Bump 10char</p>

<p>"White/African american Male"</p>


<p>am i reading it correctly that you're trying to do 10 ap's senior year?</p>

<p>Yeah, it's quite a bit of fun thus far. I did five without too much trouble last year, so I'll see how it goes. I actually need half a credit of PE to graduate, so it'll probably end up being 9, with me dropping calculus.</p>

<p>@CNI: I'm half black, half white.</p>

<p>I'd say your chances are decent, but far from a sure thing. To your benefit, Duke really stresses taking the hardest courses available to you - I think that's the #1 factor in admissions. Somebody with a 4.0 from your school who hasn't challenged him/herself as much as you had would have a much harder time getting in. It is clear that you have put in a lot of work and effort in your courses and have done decently well. But, to get a full picture, what is your class rank? If you aren't in the top 25%, your chances will go down considerably. If you aren't in the top half, it's pretty much a sure rejection from Duke.</p>

<p>Your ECs and SAT scores are impressive. I think the key for you is going to be the essays - you need to convey why you are a good match with Duke and what you would contribute to the community. If you do that, I think you've got a good shot. Being half African-American helps a bit, too.</p>

<p>I say your in.. great accomplihments best of luck man :]</p>