I am currently a junior at a very competitive, catholic, private high school in New York.
Please tell me my chances for TCU, University of South Carolina- Columbia, Elon, James Madison, High Point, and Miami University, Ohio.<br>
Freshman GPA- 2.9
Sophomore GPA- 3.1
Junior year GPA- It's currently a 3.66. I am hoping to bring it up to a 3.7 or 3.8.
My entire high school GPA will be about a 3.3/3.4.
EC's Include:
SADD CLub and School Newspaper
I also volunteer swim coach in the summer, have a steady babysitting job.
I took a trip to Washington with my class and we had to do work for it. I am also taking a trip to Europe with my class in the spring and am opting to do work for it in order to receive a credit. I am also going to take a service trip to New Orleans and will receive credit hours as well as service hours.<br>
I have also been on a varsity swim team for 5 years and have been on a summer team since I was 3 or 4. I have won many awards for swimming.</p>
<p>PLEASE tell me my chances!! I will chance back.
Thank you all!!</p>