Depends on what you did there and the name of the camps. Usually, business camps are fun “problem solving and teamwork” programs that are not at all academic. Economic camps with lectures and possibly coursework count as academic.
Depends on what you did there and the name of the camps. Usually, business camps are fun “problem solving and teamwork” programs that are not at all academic. Economic camps with lectures and possibly coursework count as academic.
I think that you should ED Columbia. UMich is a match though Stanford and UChicago are reaches but I think you have a better chance than others. Good luck! Chance back? http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1726672-i-will-chance-you-back.html#latest
@12345n What would you say my chances are for Columbia if I apply ED?
Michigan- match
Columbia- low reach
Chicago- high match
Stanford- reach
Michigan- match
Columbia- low reach
Chicago- low reach
Stanford- reach
Michigan - Match
Columbia - Reach
Chicago- Reach
Stanford - Reach
Columbia ED - low reach
I wouldn’t underestimate these three schools. You are a well-rounded student though, so that should help.
Check this Top 25 college Ranked by SAT from Forbes 8/4/2014 http://www.forbes.com/sites/schifrin/2014/08/04/top-100-sat-scores-ranking-which-colleges-have-the-brightest-kids/
Don’t “diversify” your ECs. It is good to show interest in a specific field and then discuss hobbies in an essay.
Umich- A
Col- W
Stan.- R
You should ignore anyone that says Stanford is a “low reach” or “match”. You would need to have something of the level of an Academy Award or Grammy for Stanford to be a “match”.
@Woandering I see your point in wanting students to learn but in his case and even my case, applying what is learned looks impressive as well. When I went to my Harvard interview, she was impressed that I watch Ted Talks but she was also impressed by the fact that I coded a calculator and practice math contests at home. In his case, he has his contests and what not.
YA you’re basically in at Umich and probably Uchicago. Stanford and columbia are possible, but insanely unpredictable. You should also apply to schools like northwestern, vandy, and ND. And maybe a school like UIUC or IU as safeties? Both have high ranked business schools you could be directly admitted to.
Columbia: Reach
Stanford: Super Reach for everyone
U Chicago: Reach, depends on your essays I think
Michigan: Match
Just wanted to point out that diversifying isn’t always a good thing. Colleges don’t want well-rounded people (well, they do, but they don’t want a “jack of all trades” type of person), colleges want well-rounded classes, where each person is excellent at a certain thing / relatively great at a small number of other things i.e. Stanford wants a class where each person is a “specialist” at what they do.
Now, from what I see, you’re interested in economics / business-finance. You have a lot of EC’s related to public speaking / business competitions (s/o to DECA haha), and that’s good. You also have demonstrated interest in a couple of other areas, which is also good (it adds to your well-rounded category). After all, colleges don’t want a nerd that only does one thing - they like a little bit of variation for their specialists I would even go as far as to say you’re a bit too over-diversified (if that is even a thing), but as long as you only mention on the Common App your EC’s that have to do with economics and then list maybe 2 other areas that you’re interested in / have gotten your feet wet in, I think you’ll be fine.
Columbia: Low to Mid Reach
Stanford: Super Reach
uChicago: Ask yourself whether you are an intellectual / philosophically developed type of person. If so, Low Reach. Philosophical and intellectual depth will HAVE to show in your essays to uChicago
Michigan: Match (but this year, they’ve been messing up so badly in terms of admissions, to try and reduce their yield / defer or reject overqualified applicants)
I’d also wager that you should apply to uPenn (Wharton, maybe even ED). I’d say that if you applied uPenn ED to Wharton, Low Reach, and you could probably get in with stellar recs and strong essays.
“University of Michigan has been very unpredictable with their admissions. Kids who were accepted into Harvard, Duke, and other colleges were deferred from EA whereas others with much lower stats were accepted.”
For an instate student with his/her stats, the OP is easily a match assuming his/her essays were good.
“Michigan: Match (but this year, they’ve been messing up so badly in terms of admissions, to try and reduce their yield / defer or reject overqualified applicants)”
What do you mean by “overqualified applicants?” Perhaps those deferrals that Michigan handed out were for students who didn’t take the essay requirements seriously? If I were in admissions and someone with stellar stats applied to my selective school and just “mailed in” a mediocre statement, I would be inclined to defer them as well. Michigan is not hurting for top students.
Looks good so far, but you can’t EVER think of yourself as being a match or any sort at an Ivy League school or Stanford, so don’t believe any of the ones who tell you that you are a match to any of those. You might get in, but NO ONE is a match to those schools. Some have a very good chance of getting in, but none of them are matches. National Merit Semifinalist is good, and your ACT and GPA are good. Stay focused and keep getting those As.
Columbia: Low Reach
Stanford: Low Reach
U Chicago: High Match
Michigan: Match
Your list of ECs show passion for econ. which is good, and those two internships are also great. Columbia and Stanford are reaches no matter who you are but I feel your ECs will def push you away from the average crowd. UChicago is pretty competitive but I feel like you’ll make it. UMich you’ll get in.
I would say all your schools except Michigan (low match, I’d even say safety) are reaches for any applicant. But you have virtually no flaws and you will probably get into Chicago or Columbia- Stanford is just really impossible. Best of luck.
umich: match
uchicago: low reach
stanford: reach for all
columbia: reach for all