Chances to get into Purdue

Hi guys! I am doing my A levels of Phy Chem and Math. I have low grades at AS and low internal grades. But I do have a lot of EC’s such as head boy, prefect, lots of community service hours, charity sales, MUN, debating, International Olympiads.

My SAT score is also good. Do you think it is worth applying to these unis with low internal grades/high school transcripts yet good SAT ans EC’s. I am thinking of applying to Purdue, UIUC and UT Austin for Aerospace engineering.

Need specific numbers for GPA and SAT.

Trouble with GPA or “rigor of secondary school record” is going to keep you out of UT-Austin and UIUC, maybe Purdue as well.

Consider Virginia Tech, U Colorado (Boulder), U Maryland (College Park), you may have better chances there.

Also, look at the Common Data Set, Part C, for each school you are considering; that will tell you what factors each school considers to be “very important”, “important”, or “not considered” in the admissions process.