Chances to transfer with lower GPA - please help!

Hey guys,

I am hoping to transfer to the following schools (I currently am attending a community college):

  • Portland State University: Liberal Studies Major
  • University of Portland: BA in Elementary Education
  • Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo Campus: Philosophy
  • Monterey Bay: Liberal Studies - integrated special education pathway
  • University of Washington: Liberal Studies/Elementary Education
  • Reed College: Liberal Studies
  • San Francisco State: Liberal Studies

What do you think my chances are?

GPA: In progress - 2.75 GPA
Associates Degree(s):

  • Liberal Arts: Arts & Humanities
  • Social & Behavioral Science
    95.5 units completed by time of transfer
    Major: Liberal Studies/Elementary Education
  • Vice President of Child Development Club

To address my GPA: I am a 4th year at community collegeā€¦
Ended my 1st year with: 2.03 GPA
Ended my 2nd year with: 2.81 GPA (2.54 GPA when calculated with 1st year)
Ended my 3rd year with: 2.55 GPA (2.543 GPA when cumulative with all years)
Currently: 2.75 GPA, with one more semester to complete

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!