<p>ACT: 32 Composite (35E, 33M, 28R, 32S)
SAT II: Chemistry 770, Math 2: 740 Math 1 : will take in oct.
AP US History: 4, Chemistry: 5, Macroecon: 5, US Gov: 5</p>
<p>AP Courses: AP US History, AP Chemistry, AP Macroeconomics, AP Chemistry - Junior yr.
Senior yr: AP English, AP Biology, AP Physics C, AP Calculus AB, AP Psychology</p>
<p>Worked Blood Pressure and Blood glucose checks at Community health faires (Red Cross)
Volunteering at Hospital (100-150 hrs)
Summer Research Program, very prestigious (about 300 hours)
Shadowed IM doctor, Anesthesiologist (>25 hrs)
Taught Sunday School Classes (150-200 hrs)</p>
<p>Paid Work at hospice, office assistant (800-1000 hrs) (22 hrs/week) (junior year)
Paid Work in Hospital Lab Senior Year (20 hrs/ week) (senior year)
Worked at a mall (40 hrs/week for 3 months) (summer before junior year)</p>
<p>Founder and President of Chess Club
Vice President of National Honor Society
Big Brothers and Sisters program (set up programs with little kids to get them interested in science)
Student Council Representative (9th,10th)
Yearbook Editor (9th)</p>
<p>^why is that??? is it because all the activities seem like ones forced by asian parents or what?? </p>
<p>in all honesty, my parents dont care what I do as long as I go to a college. To me, medicine, science, and helping people mean everything and I think I have what it takes to make a change in the world. All I need is to be accepted into a good college to give me that boost that will make me stronger and hopefully more beneficial to the world.</p>
<p>There have been many people like you who have been rejected by Harvard, with similar ECs, test scores, etc. Do you have any plans to differentiate yourself from the crowd?</p>
<p>XX55XX, you are very very helpful. You are bringing me to reality.</p>
<p>My plan is to write sincerely about my dream to become a doctor and try change the world through my own little ways.</p>
<p>I just want to convey my motivation and ambition and potential. I feel I did not make most of my high school years. I started trying to use my full potential my junior year. I feel that in the upcoming 4 years I can make a big difference and I will try as hard as I can anywhere I go, of course with a bit of fun.</p>
<p>Basically, I dont want to mold myself into another person and try to write about something that is unique but not the real me.</p>
<p>I am a simple person who loves to view the world in an organized way. I like to find the purpose and I feel I have found a big purpose in my life (becoming a doc and helping) and that purpose will be my determination in the years to come.</p>
<p>Excellent. That is quite noble. But keep in mind, there are schools beyond Harvard. If you interested in pre-med, Boston College has quite an impressive pre-medical program. Acceptance rates to top medical schools are quite high.</p>
<p>I dont think Boston College is too good with financial aid but i havent done enough research either.</p>
<p>I am from Michigan so U-Michigan will be my first choice as it is very well-rounded but if I get into some college like Harvard then I will go there.</p>
<p>20-25k o.o oh my. I don’t know much (I’m a 2014er too) but that should buy you some points. I could not imagine succeeding academically with that kind of financial burden.</p>
<p>at least I hope it buys you some points. just to put things in perspective…my mom got a 10k bonus last month :/</p>
<p>^ It is hard sometimes…but I have found ways to succeed. I got a job, but even that I give most of my money to my parents. I bought a $1500 car to get to work and back. </p>
<p>To be honest, we are very happy. A bit more money will help, but in the end money is just a piece of paper. My parents got me a nice small house and food on the table everyday and thats all I could ask for. Struggles, from my experience, have made a lot stronger.</p>
<p>Anyway, wlil someone help me out with which type of essay I should write? (post#12)</p>
<p>i would exploit (sorry that’s harsh) -use your financial situation to your advantage. write about it. write from the heart. i wish I had some such obstacle to overcome.</p>
<p>Stupefy - be grateful you dont have to overcome such obstacles. I have to overcome a lot - work 40 hrs a week etc. but I still try to be grateful by always thinking there are some people without houses to keep myself from going insane.</p>
<p>Shoaib - i dont know if you are suggesting ramadan as an essay topic or literally asking me. I am going to infer the former. So I was thinking about writing about ramadan and fasting and how it made me see a different world, but I think im going to stick with the low income.</p>
<p>^ thats very true and very good advice. thanks try to brainstorm. any one else have ideas? should i stay away from why i want to be a doctor essay?</p>