<p>I'm throwing in an application somewhat late because my dad wants me to, and because I really like this place. :**)</p>
<p>GPA: I'm not sure. My high school sets it at 87 (we don't weight) but one of my acceptance letters included a scholarship for students with a GPA >3.5. So let's go with the 3.5, eh? My COLLEGE GPA, though, from all of my dual-credit classes, is a 3.8. I hope that means something.</p>
<p>Caucasian female, great essays and recommendations. I'm applying for the foreign language and biological science departments, got recs from both teachers and high grades in both of them. However, I don't have SAT II's due to circumstances out of my control. I took SUPA biology at college credit level and have six years' worth of languages. On the other hand, I have numerous C's on my transcript -- in gym, and math, and chemistry, because I am horrible at math and unathletic (but gym is usually removed for GPA recalculation, anyway). More than that, I want to minor in music. Does anybody know if that requires an audition?</p>
<p>SAT -- 1940. Ehhhhh. 660 CR, 730 W, 550 M. Trend, anyone?</p>
<p>Extracurricular activities
Art Club, 2006-2007
Concert Band, 2005-2009
>>Flute section leader, 2007-2009
Drama Club [stage crew], 2007 and 2009
Foreign Language Club [president], 2007-2008
Fulton County Music Education Association (FCMEA) All-County Symphonic Band, 2007-2009
Jazz Band, 2009
Key Club, 2006
Marching Band, 2005-2009
Masterminds academic team, 2007-2009
>>Junior Varsity Co-Captain, 2007-2008
>>Varsity Co-Captain, 2008-2009
>>Vice President, 2008-2009
Media Center Club, 2005-2006
Mock Trial, 2009
New York State School Music Association (NYSSMA) Solo Competition, 2007-2009
Pep Band, 2005-2009
Saratoga Springs Youth Wind Ensemble, 2008-2009
>> Second chair, 2008
Science Olympiad, 2005
Students of the World Pen Pal Program, 2007-2009
The Leader Herald Teen Vox Editorial [journalist], 2007-2009</p>
<p>Volunteer experience
Band pancake breakfast fundraiser, April 2008
Band pie sale fundraiser, November 2006-2007
Key Clubs Halloween Haunted House, October 2006
Kingsway Arms Retirement Community, 2008-2009
Media center organizing, 2005-6 school year
REACH Work Camp, July 2006
St. Josephs Church Festival, August 2008</p>
<p>Awards received
Foreign Language Student of the Month, December 2005
High honor roll, 2006-2007, 2008
Honor roll, 2005-2008
NYSSMA Solo Competition
>>83% (B-grade), level V, 2007
>>86%, (B-grade), level VI, 2008
Syracuse University Project Advance Certificate of Achievement
>>90+ average in Intro to Biology 123, 2008
>>Successful completion of Intro to Biology 121-123, 2008</p>
<p>Need anything else? Be brutally honest for my chances, please. :D</p>