
<p>GPA 3.61
SAT 1600
Extracurricular: Varsity cheer 4 years, leadership, link crew, school mentor, community service and volunteering (13 hours each year)
Honors english sophomore year, AP Lang junior year, AP Gov senior year
Spanish 3 senior year </p>

<p>I chose to write the optional essay about how I went from being too scared and timid to being a confident leader and cheerleader who succeeds as a student athlete… But I have a spelling error and I’m so nervous haha, instead of saying “know” I somehow typed “how”… Do you think that will effect my chances??</p>

<p>For the regular college, I’d say you’re in. </p>

<p>@stugace I hope so! I just hope the spelling error doesn’t kill my essay… I wrote it in a rush but I’m a good writer so maybe it’s okay haha</p>

<p>One spelling error won’t hinder your chances. </p>

<p>Thank you! </p>

<p>Also I am in Washington, so out of state…
@stugace - do I have to send my transcripts through mail? I was reading the requirements and it said it has to be mailed, but I was expecting to just send it electronically through (which I already did)… I sent my SAT scores and I’m about to pay the fee also, but should I send the transcript by mail to be safe? </p>

<p>Call them and ask if it’s okay through parchment. </p>

<p>Personally, I had my transcript sent by my school’s main office.</p>

<p>Edit: I thought you were in state. You still have an okay chance: 60/40, in your favor.</p>

<p>Do they give oos applicants a harder time in the decision process? That’s rough for me, because if I don’t get into the University of Washington this is the only other university I’m considering… Fingers crossed</p>

<p>It’s always harder for OSS applicants to get in an in-state school that’s not their own.</p>

<p>On the bright side, your essay sounds like it’s going to be good.</p>