So my gpa is a 2.2…but:
SAT - 1750
State Record holder in swimming
multiple state championships
built my own company
have been published multiple times

Are you a Texas resident? What is your rank? What was your SAT CR and SAT Math scores?

To chance you for Texas A&M, these are important things we need to know.

Assuming you are a Texas resident, not ranked in the top quarter and that your CRplus Math is below 1300, you’ll really have to do a good job getting the ECs you mention across in the app to get their attention.

I am not a TX resident, I am middle 1/3 of my class. I have a 600 Math SAT. The only SAT component i did poorly on was writing.

Check the link to see if you qualify as an academic admit. You aren’t giving us enough information to answer that for you.

If you do not, I would say that unless you are being recruited for swimming, the odds are not great.