
<p>I was just curious to see what people on this site would say about my chances...</p>

<p>First off, I'm an Asian-American female living in Illinois. (Suburbs of Chicago)</p>

<p>Here are my credentials:
GPA: 3.38
ACT: 26 (Retaking in September)
SAT: 1850 (M - 670 CR- 500 W - 680)
-I realize my GPA and scores are pretty average/leaning towards low
-I attend a REALLY competitive school, I know for sure I am in the top 50% of my class, and I believe it's really like the top 30 something percent...not that it really matters since I'm not in the top 25%.
-My freshmen year grades were really bad, and my grades have improved each semester of my high school career. 2nd Semester Junior Year I had a 3.85.</p>

<p>Senior courses to be taken: AP Spanish, AP English, AP Micro/Macro, Calculus, Advertising, Horticulture
*I took two APs my junior year but that was about it for Honors/AP...however I am a year ahead in Math.</p>

- Held a job last summer, and currently have one now (going to continue working throughout senior year)
- 80+ Volunteer Hours (Will reach 100 by the time I apply)
I volunteer at the local children's museum where I work in the marketing department on advertisements/flyers etc for the museum
At a place where I help put together birthday packages for needy children in the area.
- Kid to Kid --> it was a program for my psychology class where I got to serve as a teaching aid in a 5th grade classroom every week. (junior year)
- Lacrosse team (sophomore year)
- Speech team (sophomore year)
- Star Raiders/Drug free club (sophomore, junior, and senior year)
- Art club (sophomore, junior, and senior year)
- Religious classes (freshmen year)</p>

<p>At this point I'm wondering if applying undecided is the way to go...
I'm thinking of majoring in either Advertising/Marketing or something related to Sociology or Psych.</p>

<p>Any advice, input, thoughts etc would be appreciated.
Also, if you can think of schools that would be good matches for me that would be great too.</p>

<p>According to the chart (<a href=""&gt;;/a>, you have a 20% chance. But that is purely numbers. I don't feel it's entirely accurate in every case. </p>

<p>Here's my own assesment:</p>

<p>Course load: excellent :)
GPA: at face value, it could be better... but it will be remedied by the fact that your school is competitive.
ACT: could be better... what do you predict on your retake? I'd aim for a 30.
ECs: good. If you write about your volunteer work and your desire to pursue marketing in your personal statement, so much the better.</p>

<p>With that said, I'd say 75% chance. :) Good luck!</p>

<p>btw-- the psych department is from what I hear a gem... very hard but very good...</p>

<p>Thanks a ton for your input!! It was really helpful. To answer your question, I'm really hoping for a 28+, let's see what happens.
Do you think applying early could increase my chances?
Also is there a way to send in the application as soon as possible and then have the new ACT sent in later?</p>

<p>Although I wouldn't apply last minute, I don't think applying early will increase your chances. It seems to me the reason people apply early is to find out their fate earlier (I think, in another thread, someone who applied in sept found out in two weeks, vs. the 6-7 weeks I waited when I applied in Dec). </p>

<p>I don't know how you'd do the ACT thing. They can't start reviewing your application until all materials are received. That means you would have to send in an old score and hope they don't make a decision before you have the chance to amend it. Might be possible. However, in my experience, the admissions office is terribly hard to get a hold of... (I've been trying to contact the person who reviewed my application for two months now). So, if you decide to go ahead with that plan, God be with you. lol. But personally, I'd just wait until I could send in my new scores right away in Jan or something.</p>

<p>I think it's unlikely that you'll be accepted but you may be deferred...if so you must be sure to do very VERY well in your classes and get some nice letters of recommendation to tip the scales in your favor. If worse comes to worse and you are denied then start sending letters of appeal.....1...2...5...10...whatever it takes. Call them up and let them know you want to attend very badly. I had a friend who was denied and was later accepted late May by doing this.</p>

<p>Letters of appeal never work...However, I'd say your chances are not bad. If you get your materials in early and send teacher recs and all that stuff on time you should have a good chance of getting in. Otherwise you will be postponed, and as long as you actually do the essays when you are postponed you will be admitted.</p>

<p>Hmm...interesting. I'll keep everything you all said in mind.</p>

<p>BTW How many letters of rec do they like to see? Is one sufficient?</p>

<p>2 is probably best but only because it shows a genuine interest in the school. What Wisconsin wants to see from you is that they are your number 1 priority. So whether they are or not, it is best to at least make it look like you want to go to Wisconsin and no other school.</p>

<p>Do you go to central or north?</p>