<p>Hey, I moved right before the 9nth grade. I got sort of screwed out of classes. I couldn't take spanish frosh year, and had to go into intro algebra in the frish ear (even tho i took algebra in 8th grade). So as it stands, I am a junior and here is my schedule</p>
<p>Film Study
Spanish II
Threads American English (English III)
Threads American History</p>
<p>When I moved, I had a roght time and my grades werent too good, I has like a 2.5 last year for soph year. This year, I'm aiming for a 3.5 and a 3.5 in first semester senior year.</p>
<p>I know these classes won't put anyone in awe, especially to the ones who are applying to the big ones like cal and such. I go to a cmpetitive school in nortern california (Plus 800 in API score). What do you guys think of my chances for San Diego State, UC Riverside, UCSB? Please, if you have any other schools in mind say so. I may end up going to a CC in DVC but I dont want that to much. I am a white male, play club basketball, and Varsity baseball. I joined a few clubs but havent really attended the things, so thats pretty much all my ecs in school. let me know.</p>
<p>San Diego State students have a 3.54 GPA unweighted average, and UC Santa Barbara students have about a 3.91 UC GPA (which equates to about a 3.75 Unweighted GPA). For UC Riverside you only need about a 3.0+ UC GPA and about a 1700 SAT (although the average student here is about a 3.4 GPA student).</p>
<p>But here's what you need to know. The two UCs mentioned above (and all the other UCs) don't count your freshmen grades in determining whether you will be admitted or not. They only count your grades in 10th and 11th grades. So a 3.5 the next two years will definitely get you into UC Riverside, and if you can get a 3.7 average or so, with at least 4 AP or IB classes taken during the next two years, you have a good shot at UC Santa Barbara.</p>
<p>Good luck.</p>
<p>Go back and look at some of my other posts. I give the links on them to the rules the UCs use for determining who gets in and for showing what the acceptance rates were based upon average GPA and SAT scores for each UC. (I'm a work now--on break--so I don't have those statistics bookmarked on my computer here).</p>
<p>So do I need to get A's and B's this year in those classes to get AP ones? My classes next year will be AlgebraII/Trig, Spanish III, Phyucology or Zoology, then the english and history. I'll also either T.A or pick some elective, maybe advanced film study. I really want to go to SDSU, that possible with i get at least a 3.5 in my next 3 semesters?</p>
<p>Ya, calcruzer, I have been lurking CC for about 2 months now. I really like SDSU and it may be my first choice, I love basebal lso I could try and interim with the Padres. Is it hard to major in bussiness at SDSU? And if i do, would it help me a lot in interiming for the Pads? Anybody that can help with colleages plese do so, it will help.</p>