
<p>Female, Asian, In-State, Public High School</p>

<p>GPA: My GPA is fairly low 2.89</p>

<p>Honors/ AP Classes: Honors English II, Honors English III, Honors U.S History, AP U.S History, AP Comparative Politics, Honors Economics, AP Economics, Honors Civic … as you can see, my strengths are in English and history and i challenge myself in these areas. I have friends who have perfect A’s but taking regular classes and here i am working my butt off in advance classes!</p>

<p>SATI: Critical Reading 550, Math 470, Writing 590 TAKING THEM AGAIN.</p>

<p>AP’s: 3 AP U.S, and taking APCP and AP economics exam soon.</p>

School newspaper: reporter, editor (10)
Student government: senator (11,12)</p>

Jr. Camp counselor (60 hours)
City wide events volunteer
Annual campus cleanup</p>

Honor Roll
Who’s who among high school students</p>

<p>Summer Activities:
This summer I went to the UCONN Mentor Connection Program in Storr for 3 weeks. I did very well in the program and am getting awarded 3 credits! =)</p>

<p>Work Experience:
I work a lot. 45+ hours a week for the past 4 years so that pretty much explains why i couldn’t do better in school.</p>

Pretty good.</p>

Pretty good.</p>

<p>Intended Major: Undecided but perhaps international relations or political science as you can see by the classes i take and the activities i participated in.</p>

<p>What other schools should i appy to? I am open to suggestions for other schools. Thanks a lot!</p>

<p>You need to TAKING SAT AGAIN.</p>