<p>I'm really glad I didn't apply ED anywhere because I visited W&M about a month ago and now I'm absolutely in love!! However, now I'm getting nervous about getting in or not!</p>
<p>I've been in VA since i was a junior, before I was at a private school in Canada, and am a VA resident but not a citizen ( i don't know if that affects anything). My previous school didn't offer any AP/Honour classes so last year I only took AP Chemistry as I was unsure as to where I would fall in the curriculumn, but my last school had an accelerated curriculumn so I did 8 and 9 one year. </p>
<p>GPA: 3.8, unweighted (as i was working ahead a year (took grade 12 classes as a grade 11), i will have 4 (+.5 with semester i guess) years of grades when i apply</p>
<p>APs: Chemistry(4), AP Lit, AP US, AP Calc AB</p>
<p>ACT Composite: 30
Math:26 (OUCH!! Have no idea what happened!!)
- a couple music awards from my last school
- community service award (300+ hours)
- bronze Duke of Edinburgh award (it's this "young canadian's challenge" thing where you achieve a minimum amount of hours in certain areas like phys. recreation, service, etc. i've almost completed my silver but I won't have it done in time)
- honour roll s</p>
(these are weak as I moved in the middle of high school)
- in 3 band ensembles in Canada (3 years for each)
- math, chemistry,(2 yrs each) and national honour societies(1 yr) in VA
- various theatre things (all 5 yrs), as well as thespian club</p>
<p>Work Experience:
- worked at a department store for about 3 months but I chose to quit to focus on school work, will now work seasonally once apps are done!
- worked w/o pay as a camp counselor </p>
I've traveled on school exchanges to Japan(2 weeks, stayed with a japanese family), England, and France (1 month each)</p>
<p>My common app essay is about my experience in Japan, should be really good and in addition to writing the supplemental essay I'm going to write about my epiphany (i wasn't in love with any college beforehand) at W&M when i visited (Basically, why i love W&M!!) and my rec is from my AP Chem teacher who is a W&M alumn and I think it should be really great as she thinks I'd be a great match!</p>
<p>I know it's hard to depict a person's chances, and I know I have some weak points, but I appreciate any comments!</p>