
<p>White male. I attend Phillips Academy Andover, which is in Andover Massachusetts.</p>

<p>I am currently a high school junior. I took the PSAT and got a score of 64 CR, 65 W, 64 M. This is low, as I plan on breaking 700 on each at the very least when I take the SAT later this month (not unreasonable, but may not happen the first time). </p>

<p>We don't have class rank, but I have a 5.0 on a 6.0 scale (equivalent to a 3.7 or so). Have takan difficult classes, including AP European History 10th grade year (only one of few students selected).</p>

<p>Activities As Follows:</p>

<p>Cross Country (Varsity): 10, 11, 12</p>

<p>Indoor Track (Varsity): 10, 11, 12</p>

<p>Crew (JV): 9, 10, possible varsity 11 and 12</p>

<p>Deacon at Church</p>

<p>Write for political magazine on campus and also editor of campus historical review.</p>

<p>Selected to travel to German for three weeks over summer</p>

<p>Community Service: ARC Program through school</p>

<p>Have already been accepted to West Point summer program and will also be applying to AIM and USNA program.</p>

<p>the academies would like to see more leadership positions i think. Any possibility of getting team captain in one of your sports?</p>

<p>I think you're looking very healthy at this point. Keep learning and working toward your goal.</p>

<p>It's very possible I can get captain in one of those sports. However this is still pending.</p>