
<p>male- In State

UC GPA- I believe it is 4.11. That is what I was told
Weighted- 4.3 Unweighted 3.8
SAT- 1970 I know its way too low. I am retaking Nov. 3
SAT 2- Biology-710 Literature-710 US History-680
Will be one class shy of IB Full Diploma.
Senior year- 7 IB/AP classes.
Macro and Micro Econ at Junior College</p>

<p>Extras- Abridged
Northern California Leadership Conference- 1 kid per High school
Rotrary Youth Leadership Camp- 1 kid per high school
Boy's State- " "
National Leadership Conference on Defense, Intelligence, and Diplomacy
Four years of Theatre. Will have been in 8 shows by the time I graduate.
freshman and then JV Quarterback but then I tore my ACL, MCL, Minicus
JV basketball as freshman but tore my ACL a second time trying to play B-ball
Life-time CSF
Vice-pres of Key club
president of library club
founded History Club
One of four acting "leaders" of Interact. (the lady in charge didn't want 1 leader)
Random community service but for example 50+ hours one summer with kids who had failed 8th grade and needed tutoring and also I spent a week and a half during spring break building houses for the poor in Mexico with a church.
Academic Decathlon. Medaled at State Comp.Team got second in state for D3 </p>

<p>That is everything that comes to mind. I'm a really strong writer so the PS's should be good.</p>

<p>Is this a joke?</p>

<p>In, lol. Nice job.</p>