
<p>Ohio resident
SAT Math: 660
SAT Verbal: 690
SAT Writing: 640 (11 on the essay)
Weighted GPA 3.78 (don't know what it is unweighted)
The school I attend is one of the top private schools around and very competitive.
Taken a tough course schedule, lots of honors courses and currently taking AP Chemistry and AP Literature
National Honor Society
Treasurer of Mu Alpha Theta
Lots of community service and work experience
decent to strong recomendations
Senior grades are so-so.. mostly a's but a "c" in ap literature...
Please chance me!</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>that chart will tell you. I say you will get in as long as you submitted before you need to send senior year grades(i got in before i had to send any grades which is great)</p>

<p>That cite didn't load for me... and ya i sent it already and with my first quarter grades which were amazing (4.23) anyone else?</p>

<p>Wait, we need to send them our midyear report? or senior year grades?</p>

<p>Idk...I suppose what he means is if you submit your application after your 7th semester grades are reported your school will send those with them as well</p>

<p>ie not good if ur slacking off your senior year</p>

<p>no, you don't need a midyear rpt.</p>

<p>If that GPA is weighted, then your uw will be much lower, which could really hurt you. if it is unweighted already, you should be fine. good luck!</p>

<p>Figure out your unweighted gpa by eliminating any extra points for honors/AP grades. An A gets the same 4 points, regardless of the difficulty level. The above site just loaded for me.</p>

<p>Ya i finally got it to load....and being lazy, i would estimate my uw gpa at 3.5. Will my SAT be able to make up for this? Two kids from my school got in last year with less credentials than me, so I think they think my school is really challenging (which it is)</p>

<p>bump 10 char</p>

<p>i think you will get either deferred or postponed. SAT is strong but average for Wisco and GPA is slightly below avg., so I'm thinking deferred. Dont know tho, it's a crapshoot for the most part. good luck!</p>

<p>if deferred/postponed whats the final verdict?</p>

<p>Final decision for postponed will depend on how many accepted students choose UW over other schools they can go to. This won't be known until spring, when many schools let people know and when people have to put down more money. Most schools in Wisconsin are good, if you have a superior school you can still get the A's- students: never blame the difficulty of your school for your grades, the opportunity to learn the material to get the A is there at all schools. BTW, are most of you getting mostly 5's, a few 4's on those AP exams? Well taught AP courses should allow you to get a 5 on the AP test.</p>

<p>I will most likely get a 5 on the AP chem exam, and probably a 4 on the ap literature. I don't see why that would have anything to do with getting in though since AP exams are a long time from now....</p>

<p>esmitty when did you apply i predict you will get in tho on the whole</p>

<p>well i applied two or three weeks ago, but i just got my money sent to them last week (something went wrong with the credit card payment online). I absolutely love wisconsin, and its one of my top schools so I would be crushed to get denied</p>

<p>Some AP exams will have been taken before senior year, are most people who get A's getting 5's? I hope so.</p>

<p>yea most are....Our chem teacher won't even let us take it unless we get a 3 or above on the practice</p>

<p>Anyone else got an opinion on me making it in....? I looked on my school's stats, three kids with around a 3.8 and a 1150 made it in, and one with around a 3.13 and a 850 (don't know how that happened). So obviously they like my school (it is very very competitive, and our counselors do an amazing job of putting our apps together). i mean, if some kid with a 3.1 and 850 got in, how could i not with a 3.7 and 1350?</p>

<p>^^3.1 and 850? Are you sure about that? Not some sort of typo?</p>

<p>I think your chances look pretty good, but I wouldn't want them to see that C senior year.</p>