
<p>white female</p>

<p>Location: Boston area, MA
College Class Year: 2012
High School: Private
High School Type: sends some grads to top schools</p>


<p>GPA - Unweighted: 3.95
GPA - Weighted: 4.70
Class Rank: top 3 students
Class Size: 60</p>


<p>SAT I Math: 730
SAT I Critical Reading: 800
SAT I Writing: 800
SAT II Literature: 770
SAT II U.S. History: 700
SAT II Biology - E: 770</p>


<p>Significant Extracurriculars: captain of varsity softball (1b, bat cleanup), captain of model un, 3 singing groups (one performing in Rome this year), classical piano, chair WHO model un, chair HRC model un, volleyball 9th and 10t
Leadership positions: capt. softball
capt. model un
chair of two model un councils
Athletic Status - list sport and your level: softball - varsity (club/im in college)
Volunteer/Service Work: total of at least 100 hours...
assorted things including walks, etc.
Honors and Awards: dartmouth book award, national honor society, national merit commended student, assorted academic awards for excellence distributed by my school</p>

school only offers 6 aps....</p>

<p>junior year: AP US History (5) - hoping this will compensate for 700 SATii
AP Bio (5)</p>

<p>senior year:
ap calc ab
ap lit
ap chem
ap spanish</p>

<p>all the rest of the classes are honors</p>

<p>essays are creative, represent personality well</p>

<p>At least you're not all over the place like some of the chance threads with people who do 8 or 9 different activities for the sake of having them on a resume. It's easy to see that you are passionate about debate, music, and softball, so play that up in your essays and emphasize how you will use your talents in these areas at the University of Pennsylvania.</p>

<p>Your stats make you competitive so it really depends on the other stuff like your essays and all. Good luck.</p>

<p>oh i forgot to say that i'm applying nursing lol!</p>