
<p>I would love to go to Miami. Could you please chance me?</p>

<p>White Male from Virginia</p>

<p>Political Science B.A.</p>

3.94/4.0 U.W
4.66 W</p>


29 (Definitely retaking, this will hurt my chances)</p>

<p>Enrolled in a Gifted Program, along with taking all APs and Honor classes.</p>

<p><strong>During 10th grade year, there was a problem with our gifted teacher and she deliberately gave everyone in the class a b. This dropped me out of first in the ranking. The board of supervisors and school board are deliberating on whether everyone should be awarded and A or a B, so my GPA/Rank may fluctuate</strong></p>


<p>FBLA - Secretary
NHS - Secretary
SCA - Secretary
BETA - Secretary
Senior Class - Secretary
Community Service Club - Historian
Boys State of Virginia 2008
People to People Leadership Summit 2006 - Georgetown University
Whos Who Amongst Americas High School Students
Varisty Golf 10,11
Varsity Soccer, 9, 10, 11, 12</p>

<p>I was wondering what my chances are of being admitted. Thank you for your replies.</p>

<p>You're DEFINITELY IN!!!! With scholarship money, probably at least half</p>

<p>oh bruinsjew
you are SOO wise :)
and i agree haha.</p>