<p>African-American from a very elite private school
from Atlanta, GA</p>
<p>GPA: 3.09 (unweighted)
SAT: 1130/1600, 1720/2400
ACT: 23 (I just took the October one, but it's not going to get counted anyway)</p>
<p>Vice President of Black Affinity Group
Race Day Facilitator (07-08), Speaker
Member of Cooking Club, RAD (Race Discussion Group), SADD, Spanish Club (2006-2007)
Co-Captain of Track & Field (2006-2007), participant of it since 7th grade
Did Orchestra from 3rd grade to 10th grade, Chorus 11th-12th
Participant of school-run musicals as well as the student run "Grease" coming this fall
Participated in the Literary Magazine Group for my school for a year and contributed to the magazine with poetry</p>
<p>Community Serivce: Teen Leaders of America, worked @ Manna Food Bank & Blue Ridge Mountains in Asheville, NC; installed composting system in Asheville School in Asheville,NC; and working with children @ the Frazer Center (center for kids, normal and autistic)</p>
<p>Expecting to have taken either over 5 honors and 1 AP or over 5 honors and 2 APs give or my senior schedule</p>
<p>Job: Summer Camp Counselor @ my school</p>