
<p>Would you kind CC’ers chance me for all the UC’s, but mainly UCD and UCSD?
Still a HS Junior, so I’m making some assumptions, but they’re very realistic assumptions; I pretty much know what the rest of this year will be like. Well, here goes:</p>

<p>California Resident
Competitive Public HS
East Indian Female</p>

<p>UC GPA: 3.8
Rank: We aren’t ranked
SAT I: CR 730, Wr 750, M 710 [2190] Retaking
SAT II: USH & Bio M; Expecting 650-750 for both</p>

<p>**Schedules:<a href=“Only%20listing%20A-G%20classes”>/B</a>
G.A.T.E. English 9
Spanish 2
Alg 2/Trig

G.A.T.E. English 10
Spanish 3
World History</p>

AP US History
AP Biology
Spanish 4 Honors
English 11</p>

<p>Summer before Senior Year: Economics at CC</p>

Comp Lit AP
Stats AP
Art Hist AP
Spanish 5 AP

Indian classical dance 6 years
Random Acts of Kindness Secretary 10th, Vice President 11th & 12th
Peer Helper 1 year
CSF 3 semesters
JV Tennis 2 years (10th-11th)
Internship at UC Davis ~90 hrs</p>

<p>Community Service:
Local museum summer science camp volunteer ~120 hrs
Math tutor for underprivileged elementary students ~70 hrs (Also organized this in 11th)
Random Key Club projects ~60 hrs
Total: ~250 hrs</p>

National Merit Commended
Presidential Scholar</p>

<p>Other: My main worry: due to a medical condition, my grades slipped badly in 10th, leaving me with a 2.8 for at the end of the year + 2 D’s 2nd semester. Both D’s were in classes that I didn’t need for A-G fulfillment so I’m still eligible, and I’m making one up but I don’t have room for the other.
Junior year I pushed ahead with A’s + a first semester B in AP Bio. Of course, I’ll explain it where I can, but IDK if it’ll be enough. But strong upward trend, will that be favorable?</p>

<p>No work experience except for internship at UCD.
No financial aid will be needed or applied for.
Undeclared/Exploratory major, perhaps?</p>

<p>So… chances for all UC’s, especially UCD and UCSD? <em>cringes</em></p>

<p>write about your med condition in soph year. other then that looks like ur good for ucd and a good shot for sd.</p>

<p>match–> high safety</p>

<p>Thanks DenneyK and OoPurestOo!
If anyone else has opinion, please share it- I’d be deeply grateful!</p>

<p>Also, OoPurestOo, for match–>high safety, are you referring to UCD or UCSD?</p>

<p>ohhh hmm.</p>

<p>Your UC GPA is right there with very good SATs for Davis so I’d say high safety for UCD. You should get in.</p>

<p>UC GPA is lower than the average for UCSD though. Still your SATs save you so I’d say High match to slight reach (depending on what they will care about more. GPA vs SAT). You’re a good candidate.</p>

<p>GPA – lower than Davis & SD avg.
SAT – above Davis & SD avg.</p>

<p>So, match (for both).</p>