
<p>Hey all...</p>

<p>I just applied to Wellesley (Early Evaluation) and was just wondering how I stood. </p>

<p>GPA: 4.2, weighted
Rank: 8/201, so top 5 percent
SATS: CR: 800, Math: 670, Writing: 740
SAT II: US History: 730, Math II: 690, Lit: 750
I've taken AP History, AP Language, AP Lit, AP Calc AB, AP Bio, and AP Portfolio, which is 6/8 AP classes my school offers. Other than that, I've taken all honors and accelerated classes when possible. </p>

<p>ECs: I do set design and crew for my school's theater department; I've been a Girl Scout for 12 years and am working on my Gold Award (the highest award in Girl Scouting); I'm president of NHS, and organized a tutoring program in the school; I'm involved with my school's environmental club and have been an officer in that. Also, my grandparents' have a farm that I spend a LOT of time working at--we can enough food to last us through the winter so it's a lot of work. Oh, and my aunt has a retail green house that I work at as well. Umm, other than that, I stressed the amount of community service I do, which is a looot. Oh, and I'm a National Merit Semi-finalist. </p>

<p>I think my essays were pretty good, and I had an interview that went pretty well, I thought. So what do you guys think? In or out?</p>

<p>In! Did you mention working on a farm in your essay/interview or something? That seems unique for a Wellesley student (or anyone).</p>

<p>I wrote my common app essay about it and I added something in the additional information session about it, since it didn’t really fit in the extracurricular or paying job parts. :]</p>

<p>Looks good, I’m sure you’ll be fine. But, as always, take everything I say with a grain of salt, since I’m not admissions expert or even a current Wellesley student. </p>

<p>I’m also looking for one of those EE “likely” letters in a couple months! :slight_smile: Good luck.</p>