<p>Hey :) So the application has been sent... I was just wondering what you guys thought my chances were for CAS.</p>
<p>Gender: Female
State: PA
Race: White
High School: Catholic</p>
<p>SAT: 780 Verbal/670 Math/760 Writing
SAT II: 680 Lit ( :( ), 680 Spanish w/o Listening (non-native speaker obviously)
GPA: I don't really understand the weighting system at my school. My guidance counselor says its like 3.999 unweighted, but I don't see how that's possible. So... I don't know.
Rank: 7/225
AP Classes: At my school AP classes are mostly for seniors, and we don't offer very many. I'm in AP Calc, AP Lit, and AP USH, and am self-studying for the AP Spanish exam (my school doesn't have AP Spanish, but I'm in Honors Spanish 4). The rest of my classes are honors except for school-required ones which are all just regular classes.</p>
<p>Essays: common app one was great, Cornell supplement was pretty good
Teacher Recs: great
Counselor Rec: great
Hook: legacy and kind-of first generation (my grandfather graduated from Cornell, dad was a Cornell dropout, neither one of my parents have a bachelor's degree)</p>
<p>Extracurriculars: I'm in our school's chorus, National Honor Society, Pro-Life club; in the community, I'm a Girl Scout, as well as a member of my church's Youth group and Youth Advisory Board, I teach 5th grade CCD, and I've studied piano for 9 years.</p>
<p>Honors/Awards: my school gives out awards for the end of the year for the top student in each class, I got the awards for Spanish 2 and Spanish 3 as well as French 1 and French 2; Girl Scout Bronze and Silver Awards; National Latin exam summa cum laude for Latin I; 3rd place regionally on National French Exam; National Merit Commended Student in PA.</p>
<p>I thiiiiink that's everything, haha. If you want/need more info let me know :)</p>
<p>ewww…pro-life club u might as well be against condoms and bc pills as well…individual rights…
yea i guess u have a decent chance but theres really no way to tell</p>
<p>now, now, let’s not pick at the pro-lifers…if she wasn’t in that club, they wouldn’t let her in the Church Youth group or teach CCD, and then she wouldn’t have any EC’s…</p>
<p>1st generation usually means you are the first generation American in your family, or that you’ll be the 1st going to college. You’re legacy, not 1st gen. </p>
<p>CAS cares about numbers…she has a 3.99UW and 2210…sounds pretty good to me
you already applied, so it doesn’t matter now</p>
<p>Ah, sorry for the misunderstanding, my guidance counselor told me that because neither one of my parents has a college degree, I was first generation.</p>
<p>and about the whole pro-life thing… I’d be anti-gay marriage, too, but I think that would just confuse my girlfriend. :</p>
<p>i never understand when people bash pro-lifers. it’s so hypocritical. while i’m all about pro-choice, i don’t bash pro-lifers because i don’t want them to bash me. everyone’s entitled to their own opinions, don’t hate just because others’ opinions don’t match yours.</p>
<p>& in terms of chances, i’d say if you have a 3.999 GPA + legacy, you have a good chance. from what i’ve seen, cornell’s really big on legacy.</p>
<p>Thank you I don’t understand why either. I simply stated that I was a member of a club; I didn’t write “PRO-CHOICERS ARE GOING TO HELL” in big flashing letters. </p>
<p>Also, just because I’m pro-life doesn’t mean spend my Saturdays blowing up Planned Parenthoods. I support comprehensive sex education in high schools hardcore, and believe that all abstinence-only education does is spread ignorance and INCREASES unwanted pregnancies and leads to more abortions.</p>
<p>For people who aspire to attend a university (and Cornell, at that) you are all very closed minded regarding other people’s views of abortion… You’d think that at Cornell people would be a little more accepting of those with different opinions… oh well… </p>
<p>Don’t worry about what everyone says; don’t let anyone change you’re views! </p>
<p>Anyway, it looks like your chances are pretty good.<br>
Good Luck!</p>
<p>molly4190, perhaps you’re right and maybe I was a little too defensive; but it can become very frustrating when people assume (repeatedly) that because you believe one thing, you also believe xyz, especially when in fact you strongly oppose xyz.</p>
<p>i thought first generation is the generation that first came to the US. though ive heard some people refer that as the 0th generation… </p>
<p>anyway, i have to say your chances are not tooooo high… maybe 50%… the legacy thing definitely helps, and your sat is good, your EC is nothing special, your sat II scores are somewhat low which might go against your awards for spanish… but you definiitely got a chance</p>