
<p>Hey, i just got my SAT back and I am very impressed with it and it has sort of revived my interest in U of A and my chances at getting in… so here are the stats I will have after this semester.</p>

<p>UC GPA: 3.35
720 Math
640 RC
650 Writing with an 11 on the essay
total 2010
I will be vice president of interact next year.</p>

<p>So im wondering what chance I have at getting into the Mining Engineering major. I dont know if my low GPA will hurt me bad enough.</p>

<p>Unless you go to the worst high school in the country, you are in for sure.</p>

<p>You have an excellent shot. Apparently U of A is raising admissions requirements and only admitting students in the top third of their class (with other factors considered) in order to weed a lot of students out and heighten the status/prestige of the school. I'm not positive when this will be implemented, but I believe that it is some time within the next few years. It looks like your safe, however.</p>

<p>Yeah, I have a 1930 SAT and around a 2.9 unweighted from a very competitive high school that does not rank. I better get in.</p>