
White/Jewish Male
One of the best public schools in the nation</p>

Unweighted GPA: 3.93
Weighted GPA: 4.16
No rank</p>

Junior Course Load:
US History
IAC (Second Tier Math)
AP Statistics
AP French 4
Honors English/Film Lit Elective (Each class is a semester)
AP Physics B</p>

<p>Senior AP Course Load:
AP Economics
AP Music Theory
AP Calculus BC (Moved up a Tier)
AP Physics C
AP English</p>

SAT: 2120
CR: 670
MATH: 740
WRITING: 710 (9 essay)
SAT II: Math 2, Physics
Comments: SAT is low for my expectations; I am retaking in October of this year and shooting for around a high 22XX.</p>

International Crisis Committee [2, President]
SHINES (tutoring) [2, Media Director]
Youth Community Service [2, Hopeful Media Director]
National French Honor Society [3]</p>

Jazz Band of America 2009 member [1 so far]
El Camino Youth Symphony Member [3], 1st trumpet in Sinfonetta for 2 years
SF Jazz-All Star member [1 so far]
Jazzschool Studioband member, 1st place 2009 Monterey Jazz Festival Conglomerate [1 so far]
Jazzschool Advanced Highschool Workshop and Combo member [1 so far]
Stanford Jazz Workshop Ruth Nadel Scholarship
Numerous solo awards from various festivals [no more than 5]</p>

1. ED Columbia (father attended both undergraduate and graduate studies, possible Juilliard/Columbia exchange?)
2. UC Berkeley
4. NYU
5. Any suggestions?</p>

1. Juilliard
2. Manhattan School of Music
3. New England Conservatory
4. New School</p>

<p>Trying to decide between arts and academics. My E.C. are specific and unique (not to sound pompous but just to show individuality); you could find my name from researching their websites. I'm quite focused on being in a large city which is why some academic schools don't fall into my hopefuls. I know I'm missing some information but I'll update when I remember. It's late :/</p>

<p>I would suggest some match schools in your list. NYU may be a match, but UCB and UCLA are not. You should look into UCS, UCSC, and UCSD, too as match schools.</p>

<p>Any specifics reasons that make this a weak application? I thought my E.C’s and GPA were competitive…</p>

<p>I would retake the SAT or try the ACT to nail Columbia as a legacy. Your chances are twice what others have but they still want the stats. Bring everything to mid 700’s and you’ll be in good shape.</p>