
<p>Ethnicity: White
Gender: Male
Location: Northwest
SAT 1: 2250 (750 CR, 800 M, 700 W) Single sitting. May take again in fall.
SAT II: USH 800. Just took Lit, Math 2 and World Hist. Estimated scores: 740, 800, 800.
GPA unweighted: 3.991 (1 A- sophomore year in Algebra II Honors)
Class rank (weighted): 1 out of 251
Geometry Honors
English 9
Global Studies
Spanish 1
Speech and Debate</p>

AP USH (5)
Pre AP Lit
Spanish 2
PE/Study Skills
Algebra II Honors
Speech and Debate</p>

AP World History
AP US Gov and Politics
AP English Lang and Comp
Spanish 3
Pre-Calc Honors
Speech and Debate
Health Online</p>

AP Human Geography
AP Physics
AP Lit
AP Environmental Science
AP Calc
Spanish 4
Speech and Debate</p>

<p>Again, so far, all A's, except 1 A- in Algebra II (92.9!) My schedule is the most demanding the school offers. I will have taken all of the honors/AP classes offered at my school once I am done.</p>

Speech and Debate (Vice Captain Junior year, Captain Senior Year. Numerous awards, including many firsts at statewide tourneys. Been to 5 weeks of debate camp so far, going to another seven this summer. Will be competitive on the national "TOC" circuit. Went to nats sophomore year, going again this year. Over 1300 NFL points. 2nd at state in Policy Debate, 4th in extemp, 3rd in prose reading. I also taught a debate course at the local middle school. My essays will probably revolve around debate.)
Model United Nations
Math Honor Society (President)
National Honor Society
Academic Challenge (Regional, televised, brain bowl competition. We were champions this year)
Employed at School's Student Tutor Center</p>

National Merit Semifinalist (projected)
NFL Academic All-American
Again, over 30 specific debate awards</p>

Should be above average</p>

<p>I am also a legacy at Stanford</p>


<p>We have nothing to tell you. You’re a competitive student, but no one can say !@#$ about your chances at a school as hard-to-get-into as Stanford.</p>

<p>Well, I think your legacy major helps. And your debating skills sound pretty awesome :)</p>

<p>Your stats remind me a lot of my own. I was a 2270 SAT valedictorian who debated competitively as well, and I got in SCEA (although, it was 4 years ago). </p>

<p>You should know that your test scores and GPA/rank will make you a serious candidate, but Stanford rejects a lot of people every year who have numbers even better than those. It’s your ECs and essays that will get you in. You’re probably a better debater than I was - my state didn’t permit traveling to do TOC, so I only ever debated at a state-wide level - and you’re also legacy, which I was not. These things will help, but I think it’ll come down to how you well you can convey your passion in your essays. Good luck.</p>

<p>Yeah, I definitely tried to convey my passion for debate in my essays. I come from a high school that has never had a tradition of being competitive on the TOC circuit because of lack of funds/initiative and because of our isolated geographic location. My essay is all about my efforts and struggle to overcome all of those barriers.</p>