
<p>I'm out of state from Rhode Island
My Class Rank is 24/400
GPA- 3.7 UW 4.3 Weighted
SATs- 620 Math 670 CR 630 Writing
Captain on a varsity sports team.
Worked since 10th grade
National Honor Society
School leadership academy
4 AP's, virtually all honors classes </p>

<p>Also, what are the scholarship opportunities at Miami?
I remember a couple years ago when my brother was applying here, all you needed was a 1280 and be in the top ten percent to get 8K off annually. Is this still the case?</p>

<p>You are in.</p>

<p>They give out a lot of schollies, but it’s based on test scores, which you might wanna bump up a bit. Oh, and report your superscore if you have one, cause thats what its based off of</p>

<p>thats good that they give out a lot of money…im not feeling paying 50K plus per year. How few people actually have to pay full price?</p>

<p>I heard that around 65% get scollies</p>

<p>Apply early action as more money is given out then.</p>

<p>I think everyone here is giving you false information and hopes. You have a 1290 SAT which is actually a few points shy of the average SAT for the incoming freshmen. I’d say that you have a good chance, but don’t be shocked if you’re deferred and then accepted later.</p>

<p>alright so I didn’t end up applying early action…now applying regular decision. how much does this hurt my chances (admission and scholarships)?</p>

<p>Minimum for a scholarship this year is a 1350. Here is the info from Miami’s site:</p>

<p>Isaac Bashevis Singer Scholarship
Full Tuition
$36,000 annually
$136,000 total for four years</p>

<p>University Scholarship
$24,000 annually
$96,000 total for four years</p>

<p>Dickinson Scholarship
$20,000 annually
$80,000 total for four years</p>

<p>Dean’s Scholarship
$16,000 annually
$64,000 total for four years</p>



<p>Students considered for an academic scholarship: </p>

<p>• demonstrate significant academic achievement above and beyond the average academic profile of a student admitted to UM’s freshman class<br>
• have significant academic achievement in the classroom typically taking the most challenging curriculum and earning top grades throughout their high school career<br>
• have significant achievement on standardized tests and on average should earn at least a 1350 SAT or 31 ACT to receive consideration </p>



<p>The University of Miami takes into account students’ high school curriculum, difficulty of course selection (such as AP/IB), extracurricular activities, essay and guidance counselor recommendation(s), as well as the overall quality of the pool of applicants applying to the university each year. When reviewing standardized test scores, UM considers only the math and critical reading sections of the SAT. A student may receive only one academic scholarship from the Office of Admission.</p>

<p>The Scholarship Committee will make the final determination on all scholarship awards.</p>

<p>I think your fine, my brother applied last year have to RD, and got in, he had lower sat scores than you and okay grades. He did have a hook though, our nationality is really under represented. Oh and he go an 18,000 scholarship, i don’t know if thats the norm.</p>

<p>But honsetly, i don’t think you have to worry. Go for it :)</p>

<p>thanks. anyone else? specifically on the scholarship information/chances</p>

<p>I’d be very surprised if you got a scholarship, but you could probably get in.</p>

<p>So say you got one of those scholarships (excluding the full one) and you got Bright Futures, do you have to pick one and can you use both o get as much paid for as you can?</p>

<p>“pick one OR can you use…” that and was supposed to be or.</p>

<p>You can use multiple scholarships, including the merit one that the school may offer and bright futures together. Also, all Florida residents get (if they apply for it) a $1274 scholarship that’s called FRAG, the Florida Resident Access Grant.</p>

<p>And by the way, I wasn’t just being an ass above, I was trying to help. The minimum for a merit scholarship is an SAT of 1300… though I’ve heard they occasionally make exceptions. Since you’re only 10 points down with a high GPA and relatively good extracurriculars, if anyone were to get an exception it would probably be you. See here: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>You can use Miami’s own scholarships, Bright Futures, FRAG, Pell, private scholarships won in your community, and any combination of other monies…if there is excess, after tuition/room/board/fees, etc. they give it back to you in your debit account/checking account after about a month of classes…totally awesome!</p>

<p>They changed the minimum SAT to 1350 this year.</p>

<p>Oh, sorry for the misinformation. Thanks for correcting me :D</p>

<p>well…that just about gives me no chance for a scholarship then huh?</p>

<p>Nothing is ever set in stone. I wish you luck. Keep in mind there are other options for scholarships, too. If you’re a Florida resident, you get FRAG and Bright Futures. You can also apply to the Elk’s scholarship program, and tons of others. Check out a website called Fastweb scholarships. Good luck.</p>

<p>do they make exceptions for SAT/ACT? i got 1340 on the SAT, any chance i could still get a scholarship, or is 1350 the absolute cut-off?</p>