<p>chances for UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, UCD, American Univ. and NYU...
I consider myself a shoe-in for the black colleges. Suggestions... feel FREE.
Thanks in advance.
UW GPA: 3.64
W GPA (UC): 3.99
AP'S: 3-- Euro (2), APUSH (3) Eng. Lit. (4)
Community College Course: Political Science--- A (question, is this a 5.0 or 4.0 since I am in high school?)</p>
<p>Senior Schedule
All AP'S except for math, will be taking Pre-Calculus </p>
SAT I- CR 650 M 540 W 620 1810
SAT II- Eng. 570 US Hist- 630 retaking in Nov.<br>
ACT- didn't receive scores yet</p>
News Editor for school Newspaper
ASB Vice-President
Founder and Pres. of Diversity Club
Captain Varsity Volleyball
Pres. of Black Student Union
Member of Speech & Debate (Novice Champ) (Quarterfinals at Santa Clara Univ.)
Intern for city's Democratic HQ (summer '08)
Neighborhood Leader for Barack Obama's campaign (summer '08)
Poll Worker for Nov. 4 election
member of statewide Y&G
UCLA EAOP summer '08</p>
<p>Community Service
60+ hours at a Los Angeles Hospital (summer '08 and '09)</p>