
<p>im an Indian(Desi pride) from PA
3.5 GPA (70 out of 392)…my school has max GPA as 4.0 and 95+ = 4.0
2150 SAT (650R, 760M, 640W)
710 SAT II Chem (taking math IIC in october)
AP Calculus:5
Ap Chemistry:5</p>

<p>9th grade (no honors or AP options for history and english):
Honors Algebra II/Trig
Honors Biology
English 9
European History
Honors Spanish II</p>

<p>10th grade (no AP choices):
Honors Chemistry
Honors Precalculus
Honors World History
Honors English 10 (World Literature)
Honors Spanish III</p>

<p>11th grade:
AP Chemistry
AP Calculus
Honors English 11 (American Literature)
Honors US History
Honors Physics</p>

<p>12th grade:
AP Statistics
AP Government
AP Biology
AP Physics
Honors English 12 (British Literature)</p>

<p>not too many EC’s…but dedicated to ones that i do
Piano-9 years, tons of awards/honors including kimmel center performance, state level rating of superior+ (highest rating) etc
Karate-5 years, dark blue belt (moved and the new place that i joined tried to push me back so i decided to stop there)
Community Service-185 hours
Mock Trials Club-11th grade
Key Club-11th grade
Student Congress(homeroom representative)-10th, 12th grade
Student Council(homeroom representative)-9th grade</p>

<p>i would like to do biomed engineering on a premed track
please be brutally honest with what you think my chances are :P</p>

<p>Well their BME program is ranked way up there so it may be more competetive. I don't know. Overall I'd say your chances are very good.</p>

<p>made a mistake i believe i said i got 640 writing i meant 740 writing :)</p>

<p>Well thats a big difference--good for you. Why not call the BME office and ask what the averages are for admits to their specific program? I still say your chances are very good so go for it. Evidently, its an up and coming field. It looks like you are taking the right AP courses for BME too.</p>

<p>Also, your ECs look fine to me. A performance at the Kimmel Ctr is a big deal and your ECs make you look well rounded since they include creative, physical, and civic types of activities. Good luck and keep us posted.</p>

<p>yea its not letting me edit for some reason :(
i forgot to put in this EC</p>

<p>job 3 years at Kumon Math and Reading Center tutoring kids</p>

<p>thanks for responses dogs :)</p>

<p>anyone else?</p>