<p>im an Indian(Desi pride) from PA
3.5 GPA (70 out of 392)…my school has max GPA as 4.0 and 95+ = 4.0
2150 SAT (650R, 760M, 640W)
710 SAT II Chem (taking math IIC in october)
AP Calculus:5
Ap Chemistry:5</p>
<p>9th grade (no honors or AP options for history and english):
Honors Algebra II/Trig
Honors Biology
English 9
European History
Honors Spanish II</p>
<p>10th grade (no AP choices):
Honors Chemistry
Honors Precalculus
Honors World History
Honors English 10 (World Literature)
Honors Spanish III</p>
<p>11th grade:
AP Chemistry
AP Calculus
Honors English 11 (American Literature)
Honors US History
Honors Physics</p>
<p>12th grade:
AP Statistics
AP Government
AP Biology
AP Physics
Honors English 12 (British Literature)</p>
<p>not too many EC’s…but dedicated to ones that i do
Piano-9 years, tons of awards/honors including kimmel center performance, state level rating of superior+ (highest rating) etc
Karate-5 years, dark blue belt (moved and the new place that i joined tried to push me back so i decided to stop there)
Community Service-185 hours
Mock Trials Club-11th grade
Key Club-11th grade
Student Congress(homeroom representative)-10th, 12th grade
Student Council(homeroom representative)-9th grade</p>
<p>i would like to do biomed engineering on a premed track
please be brutally honest with what you think my chances are :P</p>